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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Those who study the physical sciences, and bring them to bear upon the health of Man, tell us that if the noxious particles that rise from vitiated air were palpable to the sight, we should see them lowering in a dense black cloud above such haunts, and rolling slowly on to corrupt the better portions of a town. But if the moral pestilence that rises with them, and in the eternal laws of our Nature, is inseparable from them, could be made discernible too, how terrible the revelation! Then should we see depravity, impiety, drunkenness, theft, murder, and a long train of nameless sins against the natural affections and repulsions of mankind, overhanging the devoted spots, and creeping on, to blight the innocent and spread contagion among the pure. Then should we see how the same poisoned fountains that flow into our hospitals and lazar-houses, inundate the jails, and make the convict-ships swim deep, and roll across the seas, and over-run vast continents with crime. Then should we stand appalled to know, that where we generate disease to strike our children down and entail itself on unborn generations, there also we breed, by the same certain process, infancy that knows no innocence, youth without modesty or shame, maturity that is mature in nothing but in suffering and guilt, blasted old age that is a scandal on the form we bear. unnatural humanity! When we shall gather grapes from thorns, and figs from thistles; when fields of grain shall spring up from the offal in the bye-ways of our wicked cities, and roses bloom in the fat churchyards that they cherish; then we may look for natural humanity, and find it growing from such seed.

Oh for a good spirit who would take the house-tops off, with a mole potent and benignant hand than the lame demon in the tale, and show a Christian people what dark shapes issue from amidst their homes, to swell the retinue of the Destroying Angel as he moves forth among them! For only one night's view of the pale phantoms rising from the scenes of our too-long neglect; and from the thick and sullen air where Vice and Fever propagate together, raining the tremendous social retributions which are ever pouring down, and ever coming thicker! Bright and blest the morning that should rise on such a night: for men, delayed no more by stumbling-blocks of their own making, which are but specks of dust upon the path between them and eternity, would then apply themselves, like creatures of one common origin, owing one duty to the Father of one family, and tending to one common end, to make the world a better place!啊,如果有什么善良的精灵用一只比故事中瘸腿的魔鬼更有力更仁慈的手把屋顶掀开,向一个基督教徒指明,当他在他们中间走动时,什么样黑暗的形体会从他们的家里走出来,参加到毁坏天使的随从的队伍中去,那将会怎样啊!啊,如果仅仅在一夜的时间中看到这些苍白的鬼怪从那些我们忽视过久的地方走出来,从恶习与热病一起传播的浓密与阴沉的天空中走出来,把可怕的社会报应像雨一般永远不停地、愈来愈大地倾泻下来,那将会怎样啊!经过这样一夜之后出现的早晨将会是明亮与幸福的,因为人们将不再受他们自己所设置的绊脚石的障碍,这些绊脚石只不过是他们通向永恒的道路上的几粒尘埃罢了;那时候他们将像出于同一个根源、对同一个家庭的父亲负有同一个责任、并为一个共同的目的而努力的人们一样,专心致志地把这个世界建设成为一个更好的地方!
Not the less bright and blest would that day be for rousing some who never have looked out upon the world of human life around them, to a knowledge of their own relation to it, and for making them acquainted with a perversion of nature in their own contracted sympathies and estimates; as great, and yet as natural in its development when once begun, as the lowest degradation known.'这一天将是光明与幸福的,还因为对于那些从来不曾注意周围人类生活的世界的人们来说,这一天将唤醒他们认识到他们自己与它的关系;这一天将在他们面前展现出在他们自己偏狭的同情与估价中天性被扭曲的情形;这种扭曲一旦开始,在它的发展过程中,就会像降落到最低层的堕落一样显著,然而又同样自然。
But no such day had ever dawned on Mr Dombey, or his wife; and the course of each was taken.可是这样一天的曙光始终没有照射到董贝先生和妻子身上;他们各走各的道路。
Through six months that ensued upon his accident, they held the same relations one towards the other. A marble rock could not have stood more obdurately in his way than she; and no chilled spring, lying uncheered by any ray of light in the depths of a deep cave, could be more sullen or more cold than he.在他发生不幸事故之后的六个月中,他们之间的关系没有发生任何变化。大理石的岩石也不能比她更顽固地阻挡他的道路。岩洞深处丝毫照不到阳光的冰冷的泉水也不能比他更阴沉、更冷冰冰的了。
The hope that had fluttered within her when the promise of her new home dawned, was quite gone from the heart of Florence now. That home was nearly two years old; and even the patient trust that was in her, could not survive the daily blight of such experience. If she had any lingering fancy in the nature of hope left, that Edith and her father might be happier together, in some distant time, she had none, now, that her father would ever love her. The little interval in which she had imagined that she saw some small relenting in him, was forgotten in the long remembrance of his coldness since and before, or only remembered as a sorrowful delusion.当建立一个新的家庭的前景开始出现的时候弗洛伦斯心中曾经升起的希望,现在已完全消失了。这个家庭建立已有近两年之久了,甚至连她耐性的期待也经受不住每天这种冷酷经验的摧残。如果说在她心中还存有一线希望:在某个遥远的将来伊迪丝跟她父亲有一天将会一起过着幸福的生活的话,那么她现在对她父亲有一天会爱她的希望是丝毫也没有了。有一段短短的时间,她曾以为她看到他变得宽厚起来了,但现在,她在对他在这前后冷淡态度的长久的记忆中,这段时间已被忘记了;即使记起来,也仅仅被看作是一个令人悲哀的错觉而已。
Florence loved him still, but, by degrees, had come to love him rather as some dear one who had been, or who might have been, than as the hard reality before her eyes. Something of the softened sadness with which she loved the memory of little Paul, or of her mother, seemed to enter now into her thoughts of him, and to make them, as it were, a dear remembrance. Whether it was that he was dead to her, and that partly for this reason, partly for his share in those old objects of her affection, and partly for the long association of him with hopes that were withered and tendernesses he had frozen, she could not have told; but the father whom she loved began to be a vague and dreamy idea to her: hardly more substantially connected with her real life, than the image she would sometimes conjure up, of her dear brother yet alive, and growing to be a man, who would protect and cherish her.弗洛伦斯仍然爱他,但是渐渐地把他当作一个曾经是或可能是她的一个亲人去爱,而不是把他当作一个出现在她眼前的冷酷的人物去爱。他喜欢回忆小保罗或她母亲时所怀有的某种已经减轻了的悲哀现在似乎进入了她对他的思念之中,而且使这种思念成为仿佛是一种亲切的回忆。她说不出为什么她所爱的父亲对她已成为一种模糊不清的、像梦一般的概念--是不是因为他对她来说已经死去了,还是因为一方面他跟这些她过去所热爱的对象有关,另一方面她的现已消逝的希望以及她的遭到他冷酷对待的亲切感情与他长久地联系在一起的缘故。有时在她的想象中,她的弟弟仍然活着,而且已长成为一个男子汉,爱着她并保护着她;父亲这个模糊不清的概念跟她的现实生活实质上的联系几乎不超过她想象中的这个已长成为男子汉的弟弟。
The change, if it may be called one, had stolen on her like the change from childhood to womanhood, and had come with it. Florence was almost seventeen, when, in her lonely musings, she was conscious of these thoughts.'她的这个变化(如果这可以称为变化的话)是不知不觉地发生的,就像她从童年转变为一个成年的女性一样,而且是与这个转变同时发生的。当弗洛伦斯在孤独的沉思中意识到这些思想时,她差不多已十七岁了。
She was often alone now, for the old association between her and her Mama was greatly changed. At the time of her father's accident, and when he was lying in his room downstairs, Florence had first observed that Edith avoided her. Wounded and shocked, and yet unable to reconcile this with her affection when they did meet, she sought her in her own room at night, once more.现在她时常是孤身一人,因为她跟她妈妈先前的联系发生了很大的变化。当她父亲遭遇不幸事故、躺在楼下自己房间里的时候,弗洛伦斯第一次注意到,伊迪丝回避她。她在感情上受到了创伤,在心中受到震惊,又不明白这怎么能和她们每次相遇时伊迪丝那亲切的感情调和呢,于是她又一次在夜间走进伊迪丝的房间。
'Mama,' said Florence, stealing softly to her side, 'have I offended you?'“妈妈,”弗洛伦斯悄悄地走近她的身旁,说道,”我得罪您了吗?”
Edith answered 'No.'伊迪丝回答道,”没有。”

Those who study the physical sciences, and bring them to bear upon the health of Man, tell us that if the noxious particles that rise from vitiated air were palpable to the sight, we should see them lowering in a dense black cloud above such haunts, and rolling slowly on to corrupt the better portions of a town. But if the moral pestilence that rises with them, and in the eternal laws of our Nature, is inseparable from them, could be made discernible too, how terrible the revelation! Then should we see depravity, impiety, drunkenness, theft, murder, and a long train of nameless sins against the natural affections and repulsions of mankind, overhanging the devoted spots, and creeping on, to blight the innocent and spread contagion among the pure. Then should we see how the same poisoned fountains that flow into our hospitals and lazar-houses, inundate the jails, and make the convict-ships swim deep, and roll across the seas, and over-run vast continents with crime. Then should we stand appalled to know, that where we generate disease to strike our children down and entail itself on unborn generations, there also we breed, by the same certain process, infancy that knows no innocence, youth without modesty or shame, maturity that is mature in nothing but in suffering and guilt, blasted old age that is a scandal on the form we bear. unnatural humanity! When we shall gather grapes from thorns, and figs from thistles; when fields of grain shall spring up from the offal in the bye-ways of our wicked cities, and roses bloom in the fat churchyards that they cherish; then we may look for natural humanity, and find it growing from such seed.
Oh for a good spirit who would take the house-tops off, with a mole potent and benignant hand than the lame demon in the tale, and show a Christian people what dark shapes issue from amidst their homes, to swell the retinue of the Destroying Angel as he moves forth among them! For only one night's view of the pale phantoms rising from the scenes of our too-long neglect; and from the thick and sullen air where Vice and Fever propagate together, raining the tremendous social retributions which are ever pouring down, and ever coming thicker! Bright and blest the morning that should rise on such a night: for men, delayed no more by stumbling-blocks of their own making, which are but specks of dust upon the path between them and eternity, would then apply themselves, like creatures of one common origin, owing one duty to the Father of one family, and tending to one common end, to make the world a better place!
Not the less bright and blest would that day be for rousing some who never have looked out upon the world of human life around them, to a knowledge of their own relation to it, and for making them acquainted with a perversion of nature in their own contracted sympathies and estimates; as great, and yet as natural in its development when once begun, as the lowest degradation known.'
But no such day had ever dawned on Mr Dombey, or his wife; and the course of each was taken.
Through six months that ensued upon his accident, they held the same relations one towards the other. A marble rock could not have stood more obdurately in his way than she; and no chilled spring, lying uncheered by any ray of light in the depths of a deep cave, could be more sullen or more cold than he.
The hope that had fluttered within her when the promise of her new home dawned, was quite gone from the heart of Florence now. That home was nearly two years old; and even the patient trust that was in her, could not survive the daily blight of such experience. If she had any lingering fancy in the nature of hope left, that Edith and her father might be happier together, in some distant time, she had none, now, that her father would ever love her. The little interval in which she had imagined that she saw some small relenting in him, was forgotten in the long remembrance of his coldness since and before, or only remembered as a sorrowful delusion.
Florence loved him still, but, by degrees, had come to love him rather as some dear one who had been, or who might have been, than as the hard reality before her eyes. Something of the softened sadness with which she loved the memory of little Paul, or of her mother, seemed to enter now into her thoughts of him, and to make them, as it were, a dear remembrance. Whether it was that he was dead to her, and that partly for this reason, partly for his share in those old objects of her affection, and partly for the long association of him with hopes that were withered and tendernesses he had frozen, she could not have told; but the father whom she loved began to be a vague and dreamy idea to her: hardly more substantially connected with her real life, than the image she would sometimes conjure up, of her dear brother yet alive, and growing to be a man, who would protect and cherish her.
The change, if it may be called one, had stolen on her like the change from childhood to womanhood, and had come with it. Florence was almost seventeen, when, in her lonely musings, she was conscious of these thoughts.'
She was often alone now, for the old association between her and her Mama was greatly changed. At the time of her father's accident, and when he was lying in his room downstairs, Florence had first observed that Edith avoided her. Wounded and shocked, and yet unable to reconcile this with her affection when they did meet, she sought her in her own room at night, once more.
'Mama,' said Florence, stealing softly to her side, 'have I offended you?'
Edith answered 'No.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

maturity [mə'tjuəriti]


n. 成熟,(支票等的)到期

mature [mə'tjuə]


adj. 成熟的,(保单)到期的,考虑周到的

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科

sullen ['sʌlən]


adj. 愠怒的,闷闷不乐的,阴沉的

neglect [ni'glekt]


vt. 忽视,疏忽,忽略
n. 疏忽,忽视

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

swell [swel]


v. (使)膨胀,(使)鼓起,(使)增长

propagate ['prɔpəgeit]


v. 繁殖,扩增,传播,传送

modesty ['mɔdisti]


n. 谦逊,虚心,端庄,朴实,中肯





