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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第2章4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Disturb you. But you may be interested to know that I am singlehandedly responsible for the evolved shape of the animal you came to know in later centuries as a giraffe. And I tried to learn to fly. Do you believe me?“困扰你。不过,你也许对这事更感兴趣:关于你在N个世纪以后会认为是长颈鹿的那种动物,我以一己之力影响了它们的进化趋势。还有,我在学习飞行。你相信吗?”
Tell me, said Arthur.“说吧。”阿瑟说。
I’ll tell you later. I’ll just mention that the Guide says…“我就告诉你。我正要提呢,《指南》上说……”
Guide. The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. You remember?“《指南》。《银河系漫游指南》。记得吗?”
Yes. I remember throwing it in the river.“嗯,我记得把它扔进河里了。”
Yes, said Ford, but I fished it out.“对,”福特说,“我又把它捞起来了。”
You didn’t tell me.“你没告诉我。”
I didn’t want you to throw it in again.“我不想让你再扔一次了。”
Fair enough, admitted Arthur. It says?“好吧。”阿瑟认了,“它说……?”
The Guide says?“《指南》上说?”
The Guide says there is an art to flying, said Ford, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. He smiled weakly. He pointed at the knees of his trousers and held his arms up to show the elbows. They were all torn and worn through. I haven’t done very well so far, he said. He stuck out his hand. I’m very glad to see you again, Arthur, he added.“《指南》上说,飞行是有方法的,或者说有诀窍的。诀窍就在于,你得学会把自己朝地上抛去,然后不碰到地上。”他讪讪地笑了,指指自己的膝盖,又举起手臂给阿瑟看他的肘部。这些部位的衣服都磨得破破烂烂了。
Arthur shook his head in a sudden access of emotion and bewilderment.“我到现在还做得不太好。”他说着,伸出手来,“真的很高兴再见到你,阿瑟。”他说。
I haven’t seen anyone for years, he said, not anyone. I can hardly even remember how to speak. I keep forgetting words. I practise you see. I practise by talking to… talking to… what are those things people think you’re mad if you talk to? Like George the Third.阿瑟摇摇头,一种强烈的、非常复杂的感觉向他袭来。“我已经很多年没见过一个人了。”他说,“一个都没。我几乎不记得怎么说话。我不断地忘掉单词。你知道,我有在练习。我练习对着……对着……人们一般把疯子对着说话的那些东西叫什么?比如‘乔治三世’?”
Kings? suggested Ford.“国王?”福特猜道。
No, no, said Arthur. The things he used to talk to. We’re surrounded by them for heaven’s sake. I’ve planted hundreds myself. They all died. Trees! I practise by talking to trees. What’s that for?“不对,不对。”阿瑟说,“就是那种用来对着说话的。看在老天的份上,我们身边可到处都是。我自己就造了上百个。他们都死了。还有树!我还练习对着树说话。那是干什么?”
Ford still had his hand stuck out. Arthur looked at it with incomprehension.福特依然伸着手。阿瑟不解地看着这只手。
Shake, prompted Ford.“握手。”福特提醒他。
Arthur did, nervously at first, as if it might turn out to be a fish. Then he grasped it vigorously with both hands in an overwhelming flood of relief. He shook it and shook it.阿瑟握了。一开始还有点紧张,仿佛它会变成一条鱼。然后,阿瑟感到潮水般涌来的释然,他用双手紧紧抓住福特的手,摇了又摇。
After a while Ford found it necessary to disengage. They climbed to the top of a nearby outcrop of rock and surveyed the scene around them.过了一会,福特觉得该告一段落了。于是他们爬到附近一块突出的岩石顶上,纵览四方景色。
What happened to the Golgafrinchans? asked Ford.“那些高尔加非洲人①怎么样了?”福特问。
Arthur shrugged.阿瑟耸耸肩。

Disturb you. But you may be interested to know that I am singlehandedly responsible for the evolved shape of the animal you came to know in later centuries as a giraffe. And I tried to learn to fly. Do you believe me?
Tell me, said Arthur.
I’ll tell you later. I’ll just mention that the Guide says…
Guide. The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. You remember?
Yes. I remember throwing it in the river.
Yes, said Ford, but I fished it out.
You didn’t tell me.
I didn’t want you to throw it in again.
Fair enough, admitted Arthur. It says?
The Guide says?
The Guide says there is an art to flying, said Ford, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. He smiled weakly. He pointed at the knees of his trousers and held his arms up to show the elbows. They were all torn and worn through. I haven’t done very well so far, he said. He stuck out his hand. I’m very glad to see you again, Arthur, he added.
Arthur shook his head in a sudden access of emotion and bewilderment.
I haven’t seen anyone for years, he said, not anyone. I can hardly even remember how to speak. I keep forgetting words. I practise you see. I practise by talking to… talking to… what are those things people think you’re mad if you talk to? Like George the Third.
Kings? suggested Ford.
No, no, said Arthur. The things he used to talk to. We’re surrounded by them for heaven’s sake. I’ve planted hundreds myself. They all died. Trees! I practise by talking to trees. What’s that for?
Ford still had his hand stuck out. Arthur looked at it with incomprehension.
Shake, prompted Ford.
Arthur did, nervously at first, as if it might turn out to be a fish. Then he grasped it vigorously with both hands in an overwhelming flood of relief. He shook it and shook it.
After a while Ford found it necessary to disengage. They climbed to the top of a nearby outcrop of rock and surveyed the scene around them.
What happened to the Golgafrinchans? asked Ford.
Arthur shrugged.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

incomprehension [in,kɔmpri'henʃən]


n. 不了解;缺乏理解

disturb [dis'tə:b]


v. 扰乱,妨碍,使 ... 不安

overwhelming ['əuvə'welmiŋ]


adj. 势不可挡的,压倒的

trousers ['trauzəz]


n. 裤子

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人



adv. 精神旺盛地,活泼地

disengage [,disin'ɡeidʒ]


vt. 使脱离;解开;解除 vi. 脱出;松开

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景





