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来源:英语点津 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

When asked about how many books have been published throughout history, no expert can give a definite answer for this question. True enough to say that to be included in the list of popular books is a priceless honor and of course a transitory blaze of glory to the authors. What more can we expect when by virtue of popularity a book is adapted on the wide screen? Here's a sneak of ten popular books which film makers set eyes on:
1.《魔戒》 (1954)

The Lord of the Rings, a three volume fantasy adventure epic authored by J.R.R. Tolkien has acquired what is in all truth a justified air of victory as it is the second best selling novel ever written with over 150 million copies sold. This highly praised novel is a cliff hanging trilogy, namely, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and the Return of the King. It elicits an indulgent escape from reality and takes the readers to the fictitious world of Middle Earth. Indulgently mindset to destroy the One Ring the weapon of evil, Frodo Baggins, the young hobbit vigilantly surpasses all the terrifying obstacles and dark forces. The One Ring is bound to be returned to Mordor, the only place where it can be destroyed; unfortunately this place is also the Dark Lords lair. The search is a never-ending maze as the One Ring has the mind power to transfer from one owner to another and the Dark Lords wrath continues to destroy the Middle-Earth. Not surprisingly, Frodos quest is a treacherous labyrinth which doesn't throw even a few crumbs of comfort.
《魔戒》,三卷奇幻史诗巨著,作者是享有盛誉的J.R.R. 托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien),因为他的作品销量已达一亿五千万本,位列世界畅销书籍第二名。这部颇负盛名的小说有三卷,即《魔戒首部曲・护戒同盟》( The Fellowship of the Ring),《魔戒二部曲・双塔奇兵》(The Two Towers)和《魔戒三部曲・王者归来》(Return of the King)。这部书的内容引人入胜,带领读者进入虚构的中土世界。为了毁灭邪恶的法器至尊魔戒(One Ring),年轻的霍比特人佛罗多·巴金斯(Frodo Baggins)冲破了层层阻碍和黑暗的力量。至尊魔戒必须被送到唯一可以毁灭它的地方——魔多(Mordor),但不幸的是,魔多是黑暗君王的领地。搜寻之路漫漫,似是永无尽头,因为至尊魔戒有自己的意志,从一个人的手中流转至下一个主人的手上。而黑暗君王的暴怒也让中土世界不再安宁。毫无意外,主角佛罗多选择的是一条毫无一丝安逸可言的艰苦之途。




