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中美洲最活跃的火山 伊甸园小岛的末日降临2

来源:BBC英伦网 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Lake Nicaragua will need to be dredged inorder to build a canal that’s deep enough for giant cargo ships. “It will killthis lake,” Carillo said. “Many flora and fauna will die.” The local people,most of who are subsistence farmers and rely on fishing, do not have the skillsrequired for the type of jobs the canal will create, Carillo added. “Some havenever been to school, so there is no opportunity for them,”he said.


On the other hand, Nicaragua is one of thepoorest countries in the world. Officials expect the canal to bring in aninvestment of more than one trillion cordoba, which would more than triple thesize of the current economy.


As we entered the lagoon, the volume of birdsongdialled up a few notches. The wetland is home to an abundance of birdlife, andwe spotted egrets, herons, jacanas and blue jays . A committee of vulturesperched on gnarled tree branches jutting out of the tranquil water. Conceptión, and thecloud surrounding its peak, created a perfect reflection on the lake’s glass-likesurface.


After an hour of paddling –we see acaiman! Or a log! No…it’s a log –we headed back, spotting a turtle, or maybe a rock, on the way.


Many travellers climb Ometepe's volcanoes,but weather conditions often turn the hike into a walk in the clouds. This wasa convenient excuse for me to try a lighter 3km hike to the island’s 50m-highwaterfall, San Ramón. As I set out on the rainforest path that runs up the sideof Maderas, I spotted a group of howler monkeys, chattering among themselves asthey swung through the branches. After an hour's scramble, I reached thethundering waterfall, its cold mist wonderfully refreshing after the drenching humidityof the jungle.

很多旅行者会爬上奥梅特佩岛的火山,但是天气总会将这种旅行变成一次云中漫步。这是我只尝试进行3 公里徒步旅行的一个好理由,去参观岛上50 米高的瀑布——圣拉蒙瀑布(San Ramón)。当我踏上马德拉斯火山旁边蜿蜒的雨林小路时,我发现了一群吼猴,在树枝间穿梭,相互私语。经过一个小时的攀爬,我到达了发出雷鸣般声响的瀑布处,凉爽的薄雾让人在经历雨林厚重的湿气之后觉得格外神清气爽。

At sunset, the guests at Hacienda Méridagathered on its jetty. Some paddled out in kayaks towards the sinking sun,which cast a soft, purple hue over the scorched earth of Conceptión’s facade.


Molina traced the horizon with his arm. “In aboutfive years, huge ships could pass by here,”he told me.


There is a still a huge amount of communityuncertainty around the proposals, Molina said. The canal could attract moretourists to see the spectacle, like in Panama, he added –especiallynow that Ometepe has a new airstrip.


Coupled with an influx of workers who willmove to the island for canal jobs, Molina said he’s concerned about thesustainability of this population growth, especially since the island alreadystruggles with waste disposal from the minimal tourism it currently gets. Forthe time being, he has devised his own solution; he’s collecteddisused plastic and turned it into building material, using it to construct aschool next to the lodge where guests are able to volunteer.


Environmental groups such as Forests of theWorld have warned about the damage that the canal could wreak over thisbiosphere, leading to the destruction of habitat, pollution, introduction ofinvasive species and deterioration of drinking and irrigation water reserves.Molino said a potential upside could be the range of ecological studies carriedout for the first time, bringing top biologists and entomologists to Ometepe toconduct research. “Huge amounts of data will be collected and hundreds of newspecies will be identified – a lot of biological information that was not knownnow will be.” The canal could also help prevent deforestation – a major problemin Nicaragua – if it succeeds in lifting people out of poverty. “But if thegovernment doesn’t improve education in a dramatic way, then really, the canalwill serve no purpose because most of those jobs will be set out forforeigners,” Molino said. By my last day on the island, the cloud that had beenenveloping Conceptión’s peak lifted, unveiling the volcano in its fullmagnitude. It had been five years since it last erupted, and against the clearblue sky it was possible to see the dents and scars on the almost-red facade.


On the way to the ferry port, I stopped offat a spit that juts out into lake. The black sand, just visible, looked likethe back of a whale emerging from the water. I walked to the end, ankles justbelow the water, and was able to see the famous image of the island, describedby Mark Twain in his book Travels with Mr Brown: “Two magnificentpyramids, clad in the softest and richest green, all flecked with shadow andsunshine, whose summits pierce the billowy clouds.”

在去往渡船码头的路上,我中途在一块伸到湖中的地方停了下来。湖底黑色的泥沙清晰可辨,就像是从水底露出来的鲸鱼背。我走到头,湖水刚好没过脚踝,我能看到岛上著名的风景,正如马克·吐温(Mark Twain)在他的著作《和布朗先生的旅行》(Travels with Mr Brown)中的描述一样:“两座宏伟的山峰,笼罩在极其柔和/丰富的绿色之下,一切都光影斑驳,峰顶直冲云霄。”

But 149 years after Twain visited, withsuch uncertainty over the future of the island, I wondered if the author’sobservation about Ometepe –“so isolated from the world and its turmoil” –would remain asenduring as the image before me did now.

但是在马克·吐温到访149 年之后,岛上充满了对未来的不确定性,我怀疑如果此时作者对于奥梅特佩岛的印象会不是会——“如此的与世隔绝,而又如此的骚动不安”,一如现在我眼前的景象一样,让人久久不能忘怀。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
turtle ['tə:tl]


n. 海龟

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

deforestation [.di:fɔris'teiʃən]


n. 森林开伐,滥伐森林

volcano [vɔl'keinəu]


n. 火山

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

influx ['inflʌks]


n. 流入,河口,辐辏 涌进; 汇集[C][S1] an

isolated ['aisəleitid]


adj. 分离的,孤立的

disposal [dis'pəuzəl]


n. 处理,处置,布置,配置
n. 垃圾

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物





