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  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:A Coke and a Smile可乐与微笑

    A Coke and a Smile I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant. We sat

    2008-01-28 编辑:alex 标签:

  • [心灵鸡汤] 爱我,真心地爱我 Love, love me do

    Scanning the brains of people in love is also helping to refine science's grasp of love's various forms. Helen Fisher, a researcher at Rutgers University, and the author of a new book on...

    2008-01-28 编辑:alex 标签:

  • [心灵鸡汤] 一杯牛奶的温暖

      一天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地推销商品。饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。  However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the doo

    2008-01-28 编辑:alex 标签:

  • [心灵鸡汤] 我们结婚吧(影视对白)

    Ross: No! No! I’m not! It’s-it’s-it’s perfect! I mean it’s better than you just-just moving here, ‘cause it’s us together forever, and that’s-that’s what I want. Emily: We’ve only known eac

    2008-01-28 编辑:alex 标签:

  • [双语新闻] 双语新闻(1.25):茱丽性感嘴唇最受青睐

    Angelina JolieEyes like Katie Holmes, the sultry pout of Angelina Jolie and a body like Jessica Biel make the perfect woman -- at least in the opinion of plastic surgery patients in Beverly Hills.The

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语新闻] 双语新闻(1.24):睡前使用手机影响睡眠

    Using a mobile phone before going to bed is bad for your health, says new studyUsing a mobile phone before going to bed can damage your health, according to a major study.It claims that radiation fro

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语新闻] 双语新闻(1.23):为了钱不离婚

    59 percent of wives would leave their husbands if they can afford itThey may have promised to have and to hold for richer and for poorer.But wives are most interested in the richer part.In a British

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语新闻] 双语新闻(1.22):美国男子记忆超凡 被喻真人版Google

    'Google Man' recalls nearly everythingImagine being able to recall just about anything, your mind functioning as a nearly endless encyclopedic scrapbook of names, pictures, dates and even...

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:日本推出“温泉啤酒浴”

    Having a cold beer after a hot bath is a nightly ritual for many Japanese, and now the country has found a way to further indulge -- soaking in the suds themselves.In Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, a moun

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:英国八旬老人九年"追逐"芭蕾之梦

    You are never too old to learn. This is never too right for a man who started his ballet dream at the age of 79. An 88-YEAR-OLD man starred in his first ballet production Sunday after learning to dan

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:朝九晚五的工作是一种折磨

    From: 亚瑟的双语博客 (Author: Arthur Zhang)Now most of the workers and public servants work from 9 am to 5 pm. Some of them even work from 8 am or 8:30 am to 5 pm. However, according to the g

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:旅行时也要保持健康

    Sunshine 'helps to keep you young' The National Day holiday is a time for trips. Many people go to travel agencies and ask them arrange itineraries, so that people don't have to spen...

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:英国女性心目中的白马王子什么样

    Survey finds what British women really want in Mr Right France overtook Ireland as the fertility champion of Europe in 2007 HE should be clean-shaven, good-looking and drive a silver Mercedes. And, m

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:“在线社交网”热潮席卷全球

    Do you join MySpace?Online social networking websites saw their ranks swell and values soar this year as everyone from moody teenagers and mellow music lovers to mate-seeking seniors joined online co

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

  • [双语达人] 双语阅读:夫妻斗嘴比生闷气更有益于健康

    A good fight with your spouse could be good for the health, a new study has found.A good fight with your spouse could be good for the health, a new study has found.Couples who suppressed their anger

    2008-01-25 编辑:admin 标签:

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