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来源:天道留学 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


  Rule 1: No Style Points

  For these questions, you should think ONLY about grammar—don’t worry about style like you did for the Improving Sentences Questions. That means you can’t mark an answer choice just because you think there might be a better way to say it.

  Actually, there often IS a better way to say most of the things that appear in these questions, but your job is still only to find the things that are clearly grammatically wrong as far as the SAT is concerned.

  Rule 2: No Deletions.

  Sometimes you may be tempted to mark an answer choice because you think it should be deleted entirely. This isn’t an option on the Identifying Sentence Errors Questions—the need to delete a selection isn’t one of the “errors” you’re allowed to identify on these questions.

  Rule 3: Hidden Pattern -----The Intervening Prepositional Phrase

  Very often on these questions, you’ll see that a prepositional phrase comes between a noun and its verb. Instead of agreeing with the correct noun, the verb will be made to agree with the noun in the repositional phrase. A lot of students miss these questions because the verb agrees with the noun that’s closest to it, so look out!

  Never forget that a verb has to agree with the noun that is its subject. (We realize this might be considered a grammatical pattern—in fact, we even talked about it in the Writing Toolbox. But it’s so important, and it comes up so often on these questions, that we thought it was worth mentioning again.)


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