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美国乡村音乐:Time Well Wasted-Brad Paisley

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I could've been workin' overtime
Or at home tryin' to make that truck run right
Instead of wadin' out in that stream
All day long barely catchin' a thing
Just me and dad
I'm glad he talked me in to that

[1st Chorus]
It was time well wasted
And there's no way I trade a few more dollars in my pocket I could've spent
For a day I'll never forget
No, I didn't get a thing done
But I sure soaked up every minute of the memory we were makin'
And I count it all as time well wasted

Those leaves were a foot deep in the yard
And 'wash me' was written all over the car
But watchin' movies all day with you
Wasn't on my list of things to do
But we laid on that couch
Girl, we never left the house

[2nd Chorus]
It was time well wasted
And there's no way I trade a few more things that I could've crossed off my list
For a day I'll never forget
No, I didn't get a thing done
But I sure soaked up every minute of the memory we were makin'
And I count it all as time well wasted

This world spins too fast if you let it
There's always one more thing to do
But lookin' back I never have regretted
Takin' off early or callin' in sick
Or lovin' away a Sunday afternoon

[3rd Chorus]
It was time well wasted
And there's no way I trade a few more dollars or things crossed off my list
For a day I'll never forget
No I didn't get a thing done
But I sure soaked up every minute of the memory we were makin'
And I count it all as time well wasted

I count it all as time well wasted

乡村歌手Brad Paisley于1972年10月28日出生在美国西弗吉尼亚州的Glen Dale,在他8岁的时候收到了祖父送给他的一把吉他,这成了他走进乡村音乐的第一步,9岁的时候,他第一次在公众面前表演,那是在一座教堂里,他的吉他和演唱天分也第一次被人们所了解。13岁的时候他开始自己创作歌曲,并且和自己的吉他恩师Clarence "Hank" Goddard一起组建了的乐队the C-Notes,同时还邀请了Clarence "Hank" Goddard的两个老朋友加入。三个长者和一个孩子的组合很快给人们留下了印象,他们开始被邀请在当地一个著名的广播节目中表演。在这个星期六晚上播出的广播节目中,Brad Paisley淋漓尽致的展示了自己的才干。这使他成为了广播节目的固定表演者,而他也开始有机会在节目中与许多著名的音乐人合作,比如the Judds,Roy Clark,和Little Jimmy Dickens等。

  在纳什维尔Belmont大学的几年成为了Paisley音乐生涯最关键的一段时间,与美国作曲家、作者与出版者协会(ASCAP)的接触,使他不久就得到了百代(EMI Music)唱片公司的工作。1999年Brad Paisley签约Arista唱片公司后发行了第一张个人专辑《Who Needs Pictures》,这张风格多样的专辑中诞生了两首冠军单曲《He Didn't Have to Be》和《We Danced》,也获得了评论界的认可。Paisley也获得了格莱美最佳新人奖的提名,外形英俊的他拥有大量女性歌迷,在2001年还被媒体评选为“2001年最性感的男人之一”。

  2001年,他又参与了Chely Wright的专辑《Never Love You Enough》的录制,并于同年发行了他的第二张专辑《Part II》。这张专辑中一共有4首单曲名列Billboard单曲榜前五名。2003年,Brad Paisley的第三张专辑《Mud On The Tires》正式上市,这张专辑在发行首周就登上了Billboard 200排行榜第八名,并且在前100名内坚持了近百周的时间,美国地区销量突破了200万张。2005年8月16日,Brad Paisley的第四张个人专辑《Time Well Wasted》正式发行.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

soaked [səukt]


adj. 湿透的 动词soak的过去式和过去分词

chorus ['kɔ:rəs]


n. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分,





