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热力节奏:Lily Allen - Never Gonna Happen

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歌曲Never Gonna Happen

艺人:Lily Allen


所属专辑:It's Not Me, It's You



相关介绍:Lily Allen是英国喜剧演员Keith的女儿,极具音乐天赋的她这个夏天正式进军流行歌坛。她自己写词,能够熟练运用不同音乐元素,从POP,HIP-HOP,甚至DANCE等,都是她的拿手好戏。在众多的音乐媒体眼中,Lily Allen看起来将是下一位有实力的英国女歌手。


Song:Never Gonna Happen
Artist:Lily Allen

I don't wanna hurt you cause I don't think it's a virtue
But you and I have come to our end
Believe me when I tell you that I never wanna see you again
And please can you stop calling cause it's getting really boring
And I've told you I don't want to be friends
Believe me when I tell you that I never wanna see you again

How on earth could I be any more obvious?
It never really did and now it's never gonna happen with the two of us
I don't understand what it is that you're chasing after
But it makes me really sad to hear you sound so desperate
It just makes it harder

I can see how it's confusing -- it could be considered using
When I call you up straight out of the blue
But I don't understand what else a girl in my position's to do
Now I know you feel betrayed but it's been weeks since I got laid
This doesn't mean that I don't think you're a fool
But I don't understand what else a girl in my position's to do

How on earth could I be any more obvious?
It never really did and now it's never gonna happen with the two of us
I don't understand what it is that you're chasing after
But it makes me really sad to hear you sound so desperate
It just makes it harder

I know it's rather ugly cause I know that you still love me
And this isn't any kind of excuse
I don't love you, I don't love you...

How on earth could I be any more obvious?
It never really did and now it's never gonna happen with the two of us
I don't understand what it is that you're chasing after
But it makes me really sad to hear you sound so desperate
It just makes it harder


重点单词   查看全部解释    
obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

confusing [kən'fju:ziŋ]


adj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花





