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乡村音乐:Dierks Bentley - With the Band

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歌曲With the Band

艺人:Dierks Bentley


所属专辑:Every Mile A Memory



相关介绍:乡村歌手Dierks Bentley在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市一个并无音乐氛围的家庭长大,他常听音乐唱片,依靠自己的努力学得了音乐本领。凭着一种对音乐的热爱,他19岁时就搬去了田纳西州纳什维尔,但很快由于缺少公共的以及专业的吸引力使他十分气馁。但所有这一切都在他走进了一个车站的小酒馆后改变了,那是一个充满虔诚的兰草音乐迷们的酒吧。一次通宵达旦的爵士乐即兴演奏会重新让Bentley恢复了自信,并且踏上继续追求音乐表演的道路。之后,他成功地应聘到TNN电视台的一个工作职位,主要负责研究古典乡村音乐,另外到了夜里,他还可以专心搞自己的唱片小样。后来一家叫做Capital Records的唱片公司听到了他的声音,于是与他签约,在2003年他终于推出了自己的第一张同名专辑。两年后他发行了一张叫做《Modern Day Drifter 》的专辑,并凭借这张专辑一举闯入Billboard榜单的前十位。


Song:With the Band
Artist:Dierks Bentley

My daddy hated that rock-n-roll,
So I know I wasn' suppos' to go, to the loud devil music show;
But I wound up in the snake pit with my best friend,
And when the lights came up, we both decided that we'd try our luck,
At gettin' back to where the real show was.

We were backstage, under age, hangin' with the drummer
When a big dude attitude grabbed me by the collar.
I looked at him and said: “It's all good, brother.
I'm with the band, hired on as a local stage hand;
The one in charge of the microphone stands;
And the lead singer told me to get the one in his dressin' room;
We might even have a beer or two.
Don't worry ‘bout the back stage pass, man - it's cool.
I'm with the band. I'm with the band.”

I can't believe that we made it this far;
Country singin'; Bangin' loud guitars,
The biggest stages to the smallest bars.
We were cold beer drinkin'. What was I thinkin'?
Just the other night at the after party rockin' just right,
This little country girl caught my eye.

She was backstage, legal age, hangin' with the drummer;
When a big dude attitude grabbed her by the collar.
I looked at him and said “It's all good, brother.
She's with the band, hired on as a local stage hand;
The one in charge of the microphone stands.
And the lead singer told her to get the one in his dressin' room;
We might even have a beer or two.
Don't worry ‘bout the back stage pass, man - it's cool.
She's with the band.”

Well tomorrow is another town; but you know we love a party crowd;
So if you got the right stuff we'll meet you on the bus,
But you better get the lingo down.

Just tell ‘em that you're with the band; hired on as a local stage hand;
You know we got a lot of microphone stands;
And the lead singer told you to get the one in his dressin' room;
We might even have a beer or two.
Don't worry about the back stage pass - y'all; it's cool;
You're with the band; you're with the band;
You're with the band. You're with the band.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bout [baut]


n. 回合,一场

drummer ['drʌmə]


n. 鼓手 n. 旅行推销员

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

microphone ['maikrəfəun]


n. 麦克风,扩音器

collar ['kɔlə]


n. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环
vt. 抓住,为

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队





