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饶舌:Lisa Left Eye Lopes - Listen

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艺人Lisa Left Eye Lopes


所属专辑:Eye Legacy



相关介绍:来自于费城的Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes1991年与另外两个女孩组建了一支名为Second Nature的乐队。后被金牌制作人L.A Reid和Babyface相中,将三位女孩绰号的首个字母组合在一起,这才让我们看到了后来大红大紫的TLC!嘻哈音乐的街头文化,节奏蓝调音乐的底子,浑身上下的抢眼行头,调皮、可爱又疯狂的作风,停不下来的元气活力,酷炫合一的音乐与录影带,还有串接这些特色的女力精神,来自亚特兰大的TLC合唱团不但是乐史上最畅销的女子乐团,更为90年代乐坛以来的女力现象塑造最骄傲的典范。


Artist:Lisa Left Eye Lopes

It's for the open minded
Now what do you believe?
Who do you receive?
Where do you go next?
And through what exit do you leave?
The questions that i believe confessions go to he
Count your many lessons and blessings that they bring
This is for my breed and all life that is conceived
Energy told me you manifest your destiny
What is energy?
It's what you eat
It's what you breathe
It's what you think
It permeates throughout your being
And serves a link to all other energies
That's anything and everything
Moving light that you have never seen
And light carries information
Without hesitation vibrations glean
Through the constellations, manifestation stimulated
Better destination, total creation realizations
And mental concentration
Alienated from the truth
Is why we conversated
Savin' the nation for the youth
Is for my observation
It don't matter where you come from
If you're gone you like to run, run
Cause the past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
I can make you (listen, listen)
Do you ever (listen, listen)
Past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
It don't matter where you come from
If you're gone you like to run, run
Cause the past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
I can make you (listen, listen)
Do you ever (listen, listen)
Past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
Let's touch on christianity
I question all humanity
Is god so full of vanity?
That children enter this family
Who haven't yet to see that jesus is the key
Or suffer this calamity, i cast you down for an eternity
You can call me what you want to
But the man in me
Separated from this false reality
Would never be the victim of casualty
For my lack of understanding there's a guarantee
Spirituality hath immortality
No matter your status or nationality
What's your locality notice the fallacy
We all separated by principalities
Billions of galaxies and all you see is this
In the totality of eternal bliss
A life of sin it's all the thin
It don't matter where you come from
If you're gone you like to run, run
Cause the past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
I can make you (listen, listen)
Do you ever (listen, listen)
Past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
It don't matter where you come from
If you're gone you like to run, run
Cause the past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
I can make you (listen, listen)
Do you ever (listen, listen)
Past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
You see, we like to make things complicated
You don't have to read books and go to church
To learn about god
And find answers
We don't know how to talk to each other
You know if we all, shut up, be quiet
Then we'll realize that we can really hear each other
And then you'll realize that you already have the answers
It don't matter where you come from
If you're gone you like to run, run
Cause the past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
I can make you (listen, listen)
Do you ever (listen, listen)
Past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
It don't matter where you come from
If you're gone you like to run, run
Cause the past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?
I can make you (listen, listen)
Do you ever (listen, listen)
Past or the present
Here goes the future
What's your destiny?




重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 受激的 v. 刺激(stimulate的过去式

observation [.ɔbzə'veiʃən]


n. 观察,观察力,评论
adj. 被设计用来

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科

manifestation [.mænifes'teiʃən]


n. 显示,证明,示威运动

legacy ['legəsi]


n. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物
adj. [计算

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,



v. 构思;设想(conceive的过去式)

fallacy ['fæləsi]


n. 谬论

guarantee [.gærən'ti:]


n. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品

sin [sin]


n. 原罪
v. 犯罪,违反(教规)





