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乡村音乐:The Band Perry - Hip to My Heart

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歌曲Hip to My Heart

艺人:The Band Perry


所属专辑:The Band Perry



相关介绍:The Band Perry 是美国新人乡村音乐乐队,由三个名字里含有Perry的青年于2009年8月成立。The Band Perry,Kimberly Perry 主唱、吉他手、钢琴,Reid Perry 贝司、和声,Neil Perry 曼陀林,鼓,手风琴,背景主唱,其首支单曲Hip to my heart 在2009年登上美国音乐公示牌Billboard热门乡村音乐第52位。


SongHip to My Heart
Artist:The Band Perry

I like your lips like I like my Coca-Cola, yeah
Oh how it pops and fizzes
You like my shirt like I like it when you hold my hand
The way - it fits - has got me feeling lucky

Lookie, who is stumblin', whoo! You got that somethin'
Boy I wanna be where you are, and I'm gunnin' for ya'
Can't even fall for some other man, 'cause brother man,
You know how to get hip to my heart.

C'mon now!

All the girls in town look you up and look you down, I know
So... come on an' pick your kitten
Purr, baby, purr, go ahead and say the word - let's go!
I - think I'm the one you're takin'; got me feeling lucky

Lookie, who is stumblin', whoo! You got that somethin'
Boy I wanna be where you are, and I'm gunnin' for ya'
Can't even fall for some other man, 'cause brother man,
You know how to get hip to my heart.

Tell me now, who? Who?
Tell me now, who? Who?

You play it coo-ool, you play it so coo-coo-cool
And what am I supposed to do, when you play it so cool
And I got the hots for you?

Lookie, who is stumblin', whoo! You got that somethin'
Boy I wanna be where you are, and I'm gunnin' for ya'
Can't even fall for some other man, 'cause brother man,
You know how to get hip to my heart.

Lookie, who is stumblin', whoo! You got that somethin'
Boy I wanna be where you are, and I'm gunnin' for ya'
Can't even fall for some other man, 'cause brother man,
You know how to get hip to my heart.

I said, you know how to get hip to my heart.
I said, you know how to get hip to my heart.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
kitten ['kitn]


n. 小猫
vi. 生育小猫

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队


关键字: 音乐 乡村




