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乡村音乐:Megan & Liz - White T-Shirt

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歌曲White T-Shirt

艺人:Megan & Liz






相关介绍:美国流行乡村音乐组合Megan & Liz于2016年3月11日发布最新专辑《Deux》,收录了《Big Kids》等单曲

Song:White T-Shirt
Artist:Megan & Liz

72 hours that’s how long it took
72 hours in and I was hooked
You knew it was me, I knew it was you
A couple of rings and two “I Do’s”

I don’t need a white dress
Just city hall or Vegas
Your hand in my hand is as good as it gets
And baby you don’t need a nice tux
Don’t even need to dress up
Just bring me your love and if you don’t know it yet
All I need is 90 years and you in your white t shirt

I don’t know how we’re gonna tell my mom and dad
Now I’m thinking that we maybe should’ve thought about that
But if they love me like I think they do then
I know they’re gonna love you too
With your ripped up jeans and your baseball hat
And the way you look at me they’re gonna see that

I don’t need a white dress
Just city hall or Vegas
Your hand in my hand is as good as it gets
And baby you don’t need a nice tux
Don’t even need to dress up
Just bring me your love and if you don’t know it yet
All I need is 90 years and you in your white t shirt

And you know when you know it
And you know when you know it

I don’t need a white dress
No I just need you

I don’t need a white dress
Just city hall or Vegas
Your hand in my hand is as good as gets
And baby you don’t need a nice tux
Don’t even need to dress up
Just bring me your love and if you don’t know it yet
All I need is 90 years and you in your white t shirt

72 hours hours that’s how long it took
20 years later I’ll still be hooked


关键字: Country 乡村




