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摇滚:Green Day - Still Breathing

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歌曲Still Breathing

艺人:Green Day


所属专辑Revolution Radio


风格:Pop Punk


相关介绍: 露社会秘辛、踢爆政府骗局、争取人民权益、关怀后代问题,Green Day藉由音乐高分贝唱出呛声宣言,秉持愤怒有理、造反无罪的革命意图,替新世代文化发声。实践庞克噪动叛逆精神,带出更为流畅声线,谱化生动活跃音符,点燃90年代以降的加州年轻庞克黄金岁月。

Song:Still Breathing
Artist:Green Day

I'm like a child looking off on the horizon
I'm like an ambulance that's turning on the sirens
Oh, I'm still alive
I'm like a soldier coming home for the first time
I dodged a bullet and I walked across a landmine
Oh, I'm still alive

Am I bleeding? Am I bleeding from the storm?
Just shine a light into the wreckage, so far away, away

'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
My way to you

I'm like a junkie tying off for the last time
I'm like a loser that's betting on his last dime
Oh, I'm still alive
I'm like a son that was raised without a father
I'm like a mother barely keeping it together
Oh, I'm still alive

Am I bleeding? Am I bleeding from the storm?
Just shine a light into the wreckage, so far away, away

'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way, away, away...

As I walked out on the ledge
Are you scared to death to live?
I've been running all my life
Just to find a home that's for the restless
And the truth that's in the message
Making my way, away, away

'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way, away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way, away
My way to you


重点单词   查看全部解释    
revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

bleeding ['bli:diŋ]


n. 出血;渗色 adj. 流血的;同情的 v. 出血;


关键字: 摇滚 Rock




