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乡村音乐:Brantley Gilbert - We're Gonna Ride Again

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歌曲We're Gonna Ride Again

艺人:Brantley Gilbert


所属专辑:The Devil Don’t Sleep




相关介绍: 本名Brantley Keith Gilbert的Brantley Gilbert,从2005年出道至今已写下全美两张白金专辑的辉煌纪录,并且曾荣登告示牌冠军与亚军席,单曲总计销售量也直逼500万张大关,可以说是近10年中最具突破性的南方乡村摇滚新生代歌手。在挥别上一张专辑[Just as I Am]登上告示牌冠军宝座的荣耀之后,睽违了整整三年,布兰利吉伯特以全新的体悟和音乐方面的高度成长,创作出了个人生涯第四张专辑[The Devil Don`t Sleep],再一次将美国传统的乡村音乐升华。

Song:We're Gonna Ride Again
Artist:Brantley Gilbert

That long gray beard hung down to his chest
Ol' long hair was always a mess
And the laugh on that man I'll never forget
You could hear him from a mile away
Loved his pabst blue ribbon and his cigarettes
He'd burn one down light 'er up again
I still see that grin and that ol' H D
He'd roll it like he stole the thing
You know I talked to him yesterday
I asked him
How's that steel horse ride on the streets of gold
Does the promised land have any ol' back roads
Ain't a doubt you've done a burnout on a cloud
Knowin' you you probably laid her down
Have you revved it up while the angels sang
Did God get on ya did he take your wings
You better have 'em back 'fore I get in
'Cause brother we're gonna ride again
They say blood makes you related
But loyalty makes you kin
So when I called that man my brother
Well I meant what I said
'Cause we were thick as thieves and we were hell on wheels
I can't begin to tell ya how it feels
But I speak for us all man it hurts like hell
We miss your smilin' face
We'll saddle up again one day
Until then
How's that steel horse ride on the streets of gold
Does the promised land have any ol' back roads
Ain't a doubt you've done a burnout on a cloud
Knowin' you you probably laid her down
Have you revved it up while the angels sang
Did God get on ya did he take your wings
You better have 'em back 'fore I get in
'Cause brother we're gonna ride again
Man you're more than a memory more than a friend
Man you'll always be family we'll never forget
Gonna see you again someday
Hell yeah we're gonna rock that house
When we get through the gates
How's that steel horse ride on the streets of gold
Does the promised land have any ol' back roads
Ain't a doubt you've done a burnout on a cloud
Knowin' you you probably laid her down
Have you revved it up while the angels sang
Did God get on ya did he take your wings
You better get 'em back 'fore I get in
'Cause brother we're gonna ride again
We're gonna ride again
We miss ya brother


重点单词   查看全部解释    
saddle ['sædl]


n. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具
vt. 装以马鞍,

loyalty ['lɔiəlti]


n. 忠诚,忠心

grin [grin]


v. 露齿而笑,(以咧嘴笑来)表示
n. 露齿


关键字: Country 乡村




