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听歌学英语:舞动你的身体Move Your Body

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Move Your Body (Alan Walker Remix) - Sia

Poetry in your body你身体里藏着诗情画意
You got it in every way举手投足之间都是优雅美丽
And can't you see it's you I'm watching你知道吗,是你让我目不转睛
I am hot for you in every way我已经完全为你痴迷
And turn around let me see you转过身来,让我好好看看你
Wanna free you with my rhythm想让你跟随我的节奏 疯狂舞动
I know you can't get enough我知道你无法满足
When I turn up with my rhythm那就跟着我的节奏尽情舞动
Your body's poetry speaks to me你如诗般的身体仿佛在对我倾诉
Won't you let me be your rhythm tonight今夜,你是否愿意跟随我的节奏
Move your body move your body舞动你的身体,舞动你的身体
I wanna feel you move to the music我想要感受你,跟随音乐的节拍舞动
And let me be your rhythm tonight今夜,跟随我的节奏
Move your body move your body舞动你的身体,舞动你的身体
Your body's poetry speaks to me你如诗般的身体,仿佛在对我倾诉
Won't you let me be your rhythm tonight今夜,你是否愿意跟随我的节奏
Move your body move your body舞动你的身体,舞动你的身体
I wanna feel you move to the music我想要感受你,跟随音乐的节拍舞动
And let me be your rhythm tonight今夜,跟随我的节奏

Move your body舞动你的身体
Move move move your body舞动你的身体
Move move move your body舞动你的身体
Move move move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体

Poetry in your body你身体里藏着诗情画意
Got me started点燃了我的激情
May it never end愿这激情永不退却
Feel my rhythm in your system感受我的节奏 在你体内律动
This is living I'm your only friend这就是活着 我是你唯一的朋友
Feel the beat in your chest感受你胸腔中的心跳
Beat your chest like an animal像头野兽一般不安分地狂跳
Free the beast from it's cage挣脱禁锢已久的欲望
Free the rage like an animal肆意狂欢
Your body's poetry speak to me你如诗般的身体 仿佛在对我倾诉
Won't you let me be your rhythm tonight今夜 你是否愿意跟随我的节奏
Move your body move your body舞动你的身体 舞动你的身体
I wanna feel you move to the music我想要感受你 跟随音乐的节拍舞动
And let me be your rhythm tonight今夜 跟随我的节奏
Move your body move your body舞动你的身体
Your body's poetry speak to me你如诗般的身体 仿佛在对我倾诉
Won't you let me be your rhythm tonight今夜 你是否愿意跟随我的节奏
Move your body move your body舞动你的身体
I wanna feel you move to the music我想要感受你 跟随音乐的节拍舞动
And let me be your rhythm tonight今夜 跟随我的节奏

Move your body舞动你的身体
Move move move your body舞动你的身体
Move move move your body舞动你的身体
Move move move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Move your body舞动你的身体
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Move your body舞动你的身体
tick somebody off 惹某人生气
Did I do something to tick you off?我是不是做了什么事情,冒犯到你了/惹到你了?

preemie [ˈpriːmi] n. 早产婴儿=a premature baby
Born a preemie on January 1, 1981, Mike overcame a learning disability and was mainstreamed into a regular classroom by the third grade. 生于1981年1月1日,迈克是个早产婴儿。 他克服了学习障碍,并在三年级的时候被分到了正规班级。(mainstream让(身心有缺陷的儿童)融入主流教育)

iffy [ˈɪfi] adj不完美的;有点坏的;未确定的
If your next record's a bit iffy, you're forgotten...如果你的下一张唱片出点问题,你就被遗忘了。
He was from an iffy neighborhood. 他来自一个不怎么好的社区。
That meat smells a bit iffy to me.那块肉闻起来有点变质了。
The weather looks slightly iffy.看来天气有些不稳定。
His political future has looked iffy for most of this year.今年大部分时间他政治生涯的前景似乎都充满变数。
premise [ˈpremɪs] n. 前提,假定;
the basic premise of her argument她的论证的基本前提
a false premise错误的前提
His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good and evil.他的推理是以人可以为善亦可以为恶为前提的。
The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.这项研究计划是基于早先提出的假设之上的。
They had started with the premise that all men are created equal.他们是从人人生来平等这一前提出发的。
The business moved to premises in Brompton Road. 这家公司搬到了布朗普顿路。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

rhythm ['riðəm,'riθəm]


n. 节奏,韵律,格律,节拍

reasoning ['ri:zniŋ]


n. 推论,推理,论证

disability [disə'biliti]


n. 无力,无能,残疾

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

premise ['premis]


n. 前提
vt. 提论,预述,假设

capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

premature [.premə'tjuə]


adj. 提前的,过早的,早产的 n. 早产儿,早熟





