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听歌学英语:让我离开Let Me Go

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Close to You - Lucian / Jasmine Sokko

I like to think that we're planets in space我经常想象我们是行星
Rotating in circles,repeating the phase按照各自轨道重复运行
All of my friends are against our vision所有朋友都不支持我们
All my friends are against our vision所有朋友都不支持我们
But they are just aliens confined in their caves他们都是固步自封的外星人
For there are some moments for us to be close我们有接近彼此的机会
And there are some seasons to let distance grow也时常体会距离产生美
Deep in my soul I know there's gravity但我知道重力不可逆
Deep in my soul I know there's gravity但我知道重力不可逆
Don't fear the air there is magnetic force别害怕空气 因为有磁力
Still I wanna be我依然想要
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Still I wanna be我依然想要
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
I don't care if we crash instead boy我不在乎我们是否会撞击彼此
I just wanna be close to you我只想要靠近你
Even if it means we shatter即使我们会灰飞烟灭
I just wanna be close to you我只想要靠近你
Still I wanna be close我只想靠近你
Rotating close to you无限地靠近你
Still I wanna be我依然想要
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Forgive my mistakes done in milkiest of way原谅我在银河所犯的错误
Remind me of black holes don't lead me astray提醒我有黑洞 别让我迷路
Deep in my soul I know there's gravity但我知道重力不可逆
Deep in my soul I know there's gravity但我知道重力不可逆
Devoid of satellites conditioned to stay在没有卫星的地方我会停留
Still I wanna be我依然想要
There are some moments for us to be close我们有接近彼此的机会
And there are some seasons to let distance grow也时常体会距离产生美
Deep in my soul I know there's gravity但我知道重力不可逆
Deep in my soul I know there's gravity但我知道重力不可逆
Don't fear the air there is magnetic force别害怕空气 因为有磁力
Still I wanna be我依然想要
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Still I wanna be我依然想要
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
I don't care if we crash instead boy我不在乎我们是否会撞击彼此
I just wanna be close to you我只想要靠近你
Even if it means we shatter即使我们会灰飞烟灭
I just wanna be close to you我只想要靠近你
Still I wanna be close我只想靠近你
Rotating close to you无限地靠近你
Still I wanna be我依然想要
Close close close close rotating close to you靠近你 靠近你 无限地靠近你
splurge[splɜːdʒ] n.乱花钱;糟蹋钱;挥霍
I'm confident that there's enough in the bank for a splurge on a great pair of shoes.我相信,银行里有足够的钱能让我破费一回买双好鞋。
I had a splurge and bought two new suits.我手残/败财买了两套新衣服。
v. 乱花钱;糟蹋钱;挥霍
I splurged on a fancy car last week. 我上周花大钱买了一辆豪车
She won 100 pounds and then splurged it all on new clothes.她赢了100英镑,都挥霍在买新衣服上了。
We may not be able to buy luxuries any more, but we can still splurge on small pleasures like chocolates.虽然我们不再有钱奢侈,但是仍然可以在巧克力这类享受上小挥霍一把。

purse [pɜːs] n. 钱包;小钱袋;(国家、家庭、团体等的) 财力
When did you first miss your purse?你什么时候发现丢了钱包的?
The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes.这笔钱可以直接划入国库,来帮助降低税收。(public purse 国库;公共资金)

短语:the purse strings财政;财权Hold the purse strings 掌管金钱财务 ; 掌握财权
tighten their purse strings 节省开支
Women control the purse strings of most families.在大多数家庭中,女人掌控着财政大权。
Who holds the purse strings in your house? 你们家里谁管钱?
vt. 皱起;放进钱包;撅嘴
The sour taste made her purse her lips酸味使她噘起了嘴唇。
She pursed her lips in disapproval.她噘起嘴唇反对。

reverent [ˈrevərənt]adj. 虔诚的;恭敬的;尊敬的
He gave reverent attention to the teacher. 他恭敬地听老师讲课。
She said the word ‘artist’ with a gentle, understanding, reverent smile.她说'艺术家'一词时面带温柔,理解和虔诚的微笑。
They all maintained a reverent silence.他们都保持着肃静。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692

重点单词   查看全部解释    
devoid [di'vɔid]


adj. 全无的,缺乏的

shatter ['ʃætə]


n. 碎片,乱七八糟的状态
vt. 打碎,破掉

exacting [ig'zæktiŋ]


adj. 苛求的,吃力的 动词exact的现在分词形式

confined [kən'faind]


adj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限

apology [ə'pɔlədʒi]


n. 道歉;勉强的替代物

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

gravity ['græviti]


n. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃

revenge [ri'vendʒ]


n. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会


关键字: 可可英语 让我离开




