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听歌学英语: 在一起更好 Better Together

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Better Together - Jack Johnson
There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard找不到可以写在明信片背后的话
And no song that I could sing没有我能唱的歌
but I can try for your heart但,为了赢得你的芳心,我可以努力
And our dreams为了我们的梦
and they are made out of real things它们都是真实的存在
Like a shoebox of photographs就像满满一鞋盒的照片
with sepia-toned loving带着暗沉泛黄的爱情
Love is the answer at least至少,爱是心底很多疑惑的
for most of the questions in my heart的答案
Why are we here我们为什么在此
And where do we go我们去往哪里
And How come it's so hard为什么越行越难
It's not always easy并不总是那么容易的
and sometimes life can be deceiving生活有时带有欺骗性
I'll tell you one thing但我告诉你一件事
it's always better when we're together两个人在一起会更容易面对
It's always better when we're together总是会更好,当我们在一起
We'll look at the stars我们一起仰望繁星
when we're together当我们在一起
It's always better when总是会更好
we're together当我们在一起
It's always better when总是会更好
we're together当我们在一起
And all of these moments just might find所有的这些瞬间
their way into my dreams tonight今夜也许会走入我梦中
But I know that they'll be gone但我知道它们也终将消失
when the morning light sings当晨光张开歌喉的时候
Or brings new things或者带来新的事物
for tomorrow night you see因为,在明夜
That they'll be gone too你会看见它们消散。
Too many things I have to do许多事情,我不得不做
But if all of these dreams might find但如果所有的梦
their way into my day to day scene钻入我日复一日的现实
I'd be under the impression我会记忆深刻
I was somewhere in between我会沉溺其中
With only two just me and you但是如果只有你和我
Not so many things we got to do便没有这么多不得不做的事情
Or places we got to be没有这么多不得不去的地方
We'll sit beneath the mango tree now我们会坐在芒果树下
It's always better when we're together我们两个在一起会更好
We're somewhere in between together我们沉溺其中
It's always better when we're together我们两个在一起会更好
It's always better when we're together我们两个在一起会更好
I believe in memories我相信在记忆里
they look so pretty when I sleep在梦中,那场景看起来将是那么美好
And when I wake up you look当我醒来
so pretty sleeping next to me你睡在我身旁,如此美丽
But there is not enough time但时间不够了
And there is no song I could sing没有我可以唱的歌
And there is no combination没有
of words I could say我能说的话
But I will still tell you one thing但我还是要告诉你一件事
We're better together我们在一起会更好
brawl[ brɔːl] n.斗殴;闹事
He was in a drunken street brawl.他参与了一场酒后街头斗殴。
I don't want to see our two neighbours engaged in a brawl. 我不希望两个邻居吵得不可开交。
He hit her with a frying pan during a drunken brawl. 他耍酒疯用平底锅打了她。
They were arrested for brawling in the street.他们因在街上打斗而遭到拘捕。
He was suspended for a year from University after brawling with police over a speeding ticket...他为了一张超速罚单与警察厮打,被大学勒令停学1年。
The brawling between the England fans and locals last night went on for several hours.昨晚,英格兰球迷和当地球迷的冲突持续了好几个小时。

comeuppance[kʌmˈʌpəns]n.报应;应得的惩罚[chéng fá]
I am glad to see that the bad guy got his comeuppance at the end of the movie.看到那个坏蛋在电影的结尾受到了应有的惩罚,我很高兴。
The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.主要人物是一个持枪杀人的坏蛋,最终恶贯满盈。

snippy [ˈsnɪpi] adj.粗野无礼的;盛气凌人的
You have no call to get snippy with me, I'm just doing my job here. 你没必要跟我急吧?我只是执行公务而已。
It is your job to correct them gracefully and not to be snippy about it.你的任务是得体地纠正他们,而不是急躁地呵斥。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692

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adv. 优雅地;温文地

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

brawl [brɔ:l]


n. 争吵,大声的吵闹 vi. 争吵,发出大声吵闹



adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的





