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听歌学英语:像颗子弹 Like A Bullet

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Like A Bullet

So many times you have seen me around and 很多次你看见我徘徊在你周围
When you've seen me you'll know what I'm about当你注意到我时,你会看清楚我的真面目
I''m not the type of girl who cares what you think我不是那种会在意你怎么想的女孩
I choose to swim when all the others just sink 我喜欢标新立异,我就是别出心裁(别人都沦陷的时候,我不会跟着沦陷)
The one thing that's true is唯一可以明确告诉你的是
I ain't gonna be nobody's fool 我不会被任何人愚弄/我不会成为任何人的爱情傻瓜
But you, you're the only one that ever got me但是你,唯独你赢得了我的芳心
and you, got me feeling like that 你让我感到有了这种感觉
and you like a bullet in my heart你就像一颗子弹直击我心
that shot me right down, boy我心甘情愿中弹,我的真命天子
and I can't get enough of that 我对此欲壑难填
So, if you're ready, we can take it real slow那么,如果你准备好了,我们可以慢慢来
Now that I told you what I want you to know 既然我把想说的话都告诉你了
I'm waiting patiently for you to agree 我会耐心地等你肯定的回答
and if you're clever then you'll know what I mean如果你够聪明,自然会懂我的意思
There's one thing you need 你需要一样东西
and I'm about to show you how it feels 我会让你知道是何种感觉

But you, you're the only one that ever got me但是你,唯独你赢得了我的芳心
and you, got me feeling like that 你让我感到有了这种感觉
and you like a bullet in my heart你就像一颗子弹直击我心
that shot me right down, boy我心甘情愿中弹,我的真命天子
and I can't get enough of that 我对此欲壑难填

I don't know what it is that you do to me baby我不知道你到底对我做了什么,宝贝
If you knew, would you tell that you feel the same way that I do如果你知道自己对我做了什么,可不可以告诉我你的感觉也跟我的一样
But you, you're the only one that ever got me但是你,唯独你赢得了我的芳心
and you, got me feeling like that 你让我感到有了这种感觉
and you like a bullet in my heart你就像一颗子弹直击我心
that shot me right down, boy我心甘情愿中弹,我的真命天子
and I can't get enough of that 我对此欲壑难填
But you, you're the only one that ever got me但是你,唯独你赢得了我的芳心
and you, got me feeling like that 你让我感到有了这种感觉
and you like a bullet in my heart你就像一颗子弹直击我心
that shot me right down, boy而我心甘情愿中弹,我的真命天子
and I can't get enough of that 我对此欲壑难填
shell out什么意思?
go on 继续做
Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year...今年的失业人数可能会继续上升。
The population failed to understand the necessity for the war to go on.人们不能理解为什么那场战争有必要再继续下去。
If you go on like this, I won't be so easy on you. 你再如此,我就要不客气了。
While this conversation was going on, I was listening with earnest attention...这场对话进行的时候,我聚精会神地听着。
I don't know what's going on. 我不知道发生了什么事。
They are too young to understand what is going on 他们还太小,不明白发生了什么事。

goings-on [ˌɡəʊɪŋz ˈɒn] n. 举动;发生的事情;异常情况;令人吃惊的活动(或事情);见不得人的勾当;有趣的事;令人发笑的举动
The girl has found out about the goings-on in the factory.这个女孩已经发现了工厂里的勾当。
There was shouting, and loud music, and all sorts of goings-on I can't describe! 那里有喊叫声,震耳的音乐以及种种我无法形容的事情。
I don't know what Mr Eric would have said about all these goings-on.我不知道埃里克先生会对这一切说些什么。

seedy [ˈsi:di]adj.肮脏的;污七八糟的;乌烟瘴气的;下流的
a seedy bar污七八糟的酒吧
the seedy world of prostitution乌烟瘴气的卖淫圈子
a seedy-looking man一脸邪气的男人
We were staying in a seedy hotel close to the red light district 我们当时住在紧挨着红灯区的一家脏乱不堪的旅馆里。
He found his brother in a seedy, roach-infested apartment. 他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。(infest [ɪnˈfest]v.大量滋生;大批出没于 )

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

infest [in'fest]


v. 侵扰,猖獗,寄生于

district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

shell [ʃel]


n. 壳,外壳
v. 去壳,脱落,拾贝壳

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

necessity [ni'sesiti]


n. 需要,必需品,必然

sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下


关键字: 可可英语 像颗子弹




