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听歌学英语:美好的一天Good Day

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Good Day - Lucky Stroke

Today's a good day to be alive 今天感觉活着真好
Give me a sec and I'll tell you all the reasons why给我点时间让我来告诉你为什么
Got up on the right side of bed and I 一起床就心情愉悦
Put on brand new clothes,looking superfly穿了身新衣服,看起来超级帅
It is this girl that I want而那个我一直想约的姑娘
Tonight she says she's alone 说她今晚有空
Today is just that day 今天应该就是美梦成真的日子吧
It's like, my song song is playing everywhere that I go 呀,好像无论我走到那里,都在放着我的主打歌
I don't know why why some days they turn out being my show哦,有些日子原来可以让我大放异彩
I got this good good feeling guess it's something I did 心情美妙,应该是我做了好事给我带来的吧
No need to sympathize同情什么的再也不需要了
No no no不需要了
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Be alive be alive be alive be alive 活着活着活着
Today's a good day to be alive今天就是美好的一天
Be alive be alive be alive be alive活着真好
I take a walk on the smile side 我轻快地走着,止不住地笑起来
Everywhere I go I'm in the limelight无论走到那里,都是焦点
Ran past my ex,a couple of blocks away途径了几个街区以外的前女友家
She'd gotten fat and ugly,glad I didn't stay她变得又肥又丑,还好我们早已分手
I'm on my way to a date而我正在赴下一个约的路上
I guess there's something called fate我想也许这就是命运吧
Today is just that day今天就是命定的那天
It's like, my song song is playing everywhere that I go 呀,好像无论我走到那里,都在放着我的主打歌
I don't know why why some days they turn out being my show哦,有些日子原来可以让我大放异彩
I got this good good feeling guess it's something I did 心情美妙,应该是我做了好事给我带来的吧
No need to sympathize同情什么的再也不需要了
No no no不需要了
Today's a good day to be alive今天就是是美好的一天
Be alive be alive be alive be alive活着真好
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Be alive be alive be alive be alive活着真好
It's like, my song song is playing everywhere that I go 呀,好像无论我走到那里,都在放着我的主打歌
I don't know why why some days they turn out being my show哦,有些日子原来可以让我大放异彩
I got this good good feeling guess it's something I did 心情美妙,应该是我做了好事给我带来的吧
No need to sympathize同情什么的再也不需要了
No no no不需要了
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ahWoah
It's like, my song song is playing everywhere that I go 呀,好像无论我走到那里,都在放着我的主打歌
I don't know why why some days they turn out being my show哦,有些日子原来可以让我大放异彩
I got this good good feeling guess it's something I did 心情美妙,应该是我做了好事给我带来的吧
No need to sympathize同情什么的再也不需要了
No no no不需要了
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
Ah ah a-ah ah ah
Woah today's a good day to be alive今天是美好的一天
overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk] v.忽略;未注意到;不予理会;视而不见
He seems to have overlooked one important fact. 他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。
We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.我们忽视有关自身健康的种种预警信号。
We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence. 对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。
She's been overlooked for promotion several times.几次提职时都没有考虑她。
The owners don't want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck. 老板们不想错过任何可以赚钱的机会。
You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts. 你不能自己缩在套子里而忽略这些事实。([kəˈkuːn] n. 茧;卵囊)
v. 俯视;眺望
Our back yard is overlooked by several houses.好几栋房子都看得见我家的后院。
Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden... 漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园

oversee [ˌəʊvəˈsiː] v.监督;监视
Soldiers oversee the food handouts 士兵们看管着救济食品。(handout施舍物)
You must employ someone to oversee the project. 你必须雇个人来监督这个项目。
He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially. 他发誓要公正地监督选举。
A team leader was appointed to oversee the project.一个组长被任命来监督这个项目。

oversight [ˈəʊvəsaɪt] n. 疏忽
I didn't mean to leave her name off the list; it was an oversight. 我不是有意在名单上漏掉她的名字的,这是个疏忽。
William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight 威廉因为自己的疏忽而羞愤交加。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692

重点单词   查看全部解释    
buck [bʌk]


n. (美元)块钱 n. 钱,鹿皮,(鹿皮等)制物,小伙

overlook [.əuvə'luk]


vt. 俯瞰,远眺,没注意到,忽视
n. 高出

oversee ['əuvə'si:]


vt. 监督,监管,监视

cocoon [kə'ku:n]


n. 茧,茧状物, vt. 包围,包裹

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

employ [im'plɔi]



embarrassed [im'bærəst]


adj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的

promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,





