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听歌学英语:多希望你知道 I Wish You Knew

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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I Wish You Knew - Some and Any

I got this feeling that 我觉得
You could be heaven sent 你是上天给我的恩赐
But the harder I try the more 但是我越努力
you only wanna be a friend 你越只想做朋友
Being with you is a fairy tale 和你在一起像个童话
But without happy end 没有幸福结局的那种
We're so close but you're far away 我们如此亲近 你却如此遥远
Here's what I have to say 所以 我要告诉你

I wish you knew 多希望你能明白
I could be the one who's walking in your shoes 我会想你所想
Do you have a clue 你知道吗
that a soulmate is around you 在你身边的是一位灵魂伴侣呀
Wish you knew I care for you, I care for you 多希望你能明白 我喜欢你 在乎你

A million-to-one shot is all 给我百万分之一的机会吧
I ever wanna get from you 这是我唯一想要的
But I feel like a coffetable book 但我感觉自己就像茶几上打发时间的一本杂志
That won't be read 不会
by you 被你翻开
I give my best to be your closest friend 用尽全身力气 变成你密友
Like I used to do 就像曾经一样
But in my chest I'm completely wrecked 但胸腔里的心早碎一地
Feeling more than you 对你的感觉比你对我的感觉多

I wish you knew 多希望你能明白
I could be the one who's walking in your shoes 我会想你所想
Do you have a clue 你知道吗
that a soulmate is around you 在你身边的是一位灵魂伴侣呀
Wish you knew I care for you, I care for you 多希望你能明白 我喜欢你 在乎你

There will be a day when our two hearts 终有一天 我们的两颗心
Will find their way 会找到一条出路
You proof it with your smile, every gentle word you say你会用微笑和每一个温柔的话语来证明

I wish you knew 多希望你能明白
I could be the one who's walking in your shoes 我会想你所想
Do you have a clue 你知道吗
that a soulmate is around you 在你身边的是一位灵魂伴侣呀
Wish you knew I care for you, I care for you 多希望你能明白 我喜欢你 在乎你

I wish you knew 多希望你能明白
I could be the one who's walking in your shoes 我会想你所想
Do you have a clue 你知道吗
that a soulmate is around you 在你身边的是一位灵魂伴侣呀
Wish you knew I care for you, I care for you 多希望你能明白 我喜欢你 在乎你
I care for you 在乎你
wholesome [ˈhəʊlsəm] adj.有益健康的;有益身心的;有道德的;有良好道德影响的
fresh, wholesome food 新鲜有益健康的食品
The food is filling and wholesome. 这种食物既能充饥又有营养。
Bread and milk makes a wholesome breakfast. 面包和牛奶是有益于健康的早餐。

Swimming is a wholesome sport. 游泳是一项有益于身心健康的运动。
Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口
They're trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies 他们尽量播放文明、健康、正派的电影。
Though he put on a wholesome persona, the mayor was really a gambler who stole money from the city.市长给了公众一副正面积极的人设,实际上他却是个盗取市民钱财的赌棍。

fennel [ˈfenl] n.茴香
He plucked a stalk of dried fennel. 他拔掉了干茴香梗。
Fennel has a very distinctive flavour. 茴香有一种与众不同的味道。*( [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv] adj. 独特的;有特色的;与众不同的)
Cut the fennel into thin slices. 把茴香切成薄片。

extradite [ˈekstrədaɪt] vt. 引渡;获取…的引渡
The British government attempted to extradite the suspects from Belgium. 英国政府试图从比利时引渡犯罪嫌疑人。
He was extradited to Britain from the Irish Republic to face explosives charges... 他被从爱尔兰共和国引渡到英国,面临爆炸罪的指控。

extradition [ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn] n.引渡
A New York court turned down the British government's request for his extradition...纽约一家法庭拒绝了英国政府引渡他的要求。
His lawyers argue that extradition arrangements between Britain and the US are imbalanced. 他的律师认为英国与美国之间的引渡安排是不对等的。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

decent ['di:snt]


adj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的

extradition [,ekstrə'diʃən]


n. 引渡;亡命者送还本国

distinctive [di'stiŋktiv]


adj. 独特的

wholesome ['həulsəm]


adj. 有益健康的,合乎卫生的,健全的

stalk [stɔ:k]


n. 茎,梗
n. 跟踪,高视阔步

request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

gambler ['gæmblə]


n. 赌徒


关键字: 可可英语 天使 单恋




