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Soldier (feat Roxanne Emery) - Gareth Emery

I'm gonna stand right here 我会站在这里
I'm not gonna move 一动不动
And when the sky falls down 但是 如果天塌下来
you'll find me next to you 我会飞奔到你身边
I'm gonna stand right here 我会伫立在这里
and wait for your voice 静静等待你的召唤
But when the worlds at war 但是 如果世界开始战乱纷飞
you know we got no choice, hey 你知道 我们别无选择

When you hear the sound of the world on fire 但你听到世界被大火吞噬的声音
And all that you can see is a brick red sky 当你目光所及之处 只有血红苍穹
When you know you can't make it on your own 当你知道 凭一己之力 根本无法杀出重围
I will be your soldier 我会做你的斗士
When you're falling down and you're on the fence 当你被打倒在地 措手不及
I will be your shield I will keep you save 我会成为你的盾牌 保你平安
When you know you can't make it on your own 当你知道 凭一己之力 根本无法杀出重围
I will be your soldier 我会做你的战士

When you hear the sound of the world on fire 但你听到世界被大火吞噬的声音
And all that you can see is a brick red sky 当你目光所及之处 只有血红苍穹
When you know you can't make it on your own 当你知道 凭一己之力 根本无法杀出重围
I will be your soldier 我会做你的斗士

When you're falling down and you're on the fence 当你被打倒在地 措手不及
I will be your shield I will keep you save 我会成为你的盾牌 保你平安
When you know you can't make it on your own 当你知道 凭一己之力 根本无法杀出重围
I will be your soldier 我会做你的战士
I will be your soldier 我会做你的斗士
I will be your soldier 我会做你的勇士
就近原则: or (如果or前后都为单数,则单;如果前后为单复混合,则就近)
The manager or her assistant is going to call you.
The daughters or the father visits her every day.
The father or the daughters visit her every day.
nor (如果nor前后都为单数,则单;如果前后为单复混合,则就近)
The boys nor Tim plays video games.
Tim nor the boys play video games.

either ... or (如果or前后都为单数,则单;如果前后为单复混合,则就近)
Either the manager or her assistant is going to call.
Either the daughters or the father visits her every day.

Neither...nor (如果nor前后都为单数,则单;如果前后为单复混合,则就近)
Neither his behavior nor his attitude was acceptable.
Neither the office nor the restrooms were cleaned last night.
Neither the restrooms nor the office was cleaned last night.

就远原则: as well as, along with
Trevor, along with his friends, is coming to the party. (along with随同...一起;跟...一起;)
My parents, along with their friend, are coming to the party.
This desktop, as well as these laptops, is for sale.(as well as而且;也)
These laptops, as well as that desktop, are for sale.

The teacher but not the students has access to the computers.
It is not the employees but the manager who cleans up after meetings.

Either the daughters or the father _______ (come) here every day.
My parents, along with their friends, _______ (be) coming to the party.

答案: comes; are

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fence [fens]


n. 栅栏,围墙,击剑术
n. 买卖赃物的人<

shield ['ʃi:ld]


n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物
vt. 保护,遮蔽

acceptable [ək'septəbl]


adj. 合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的





