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听歌学英语:再见 老娘不玩儿了 Ciao Adiós

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Ciao Adiós

Anne Marie



提取码: qs9z

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah



Ask you once, ask you twice now问你一次 问你两次

There's lipstick on your collar 为什么你衣领上有唇膏印

You say she's just a friend now 你说那女的不过只是朋友

Then why don't we call her? 那我们打电话问问吧

So you wanna go home with someone 所以是 你要跟别的某某回家

To do all the things you used to do to me 去做你曾经对我做的事情

I swear, I know you do 我发誓 你肯定是这样想的

Used to take me out, in your fancy car 你曾经开着你的豪华小车带我出去兜风

And make out in the rain 然后我们在雨中亲热

And when I ring you up 可现在每当我给你打电话

Don't know where you are 不知道你在哪儿

'Til I hear her say your name 直到听见她叫你的名字

Used to sing along, when you played guitar 过去你弹吉他 我会跟着唱

That's a distant memory 想起来觉得像是几个世纪前世情

Hope she treats you better than you treated me, ha 希望她不会像你对我这样对你

I'm onto you, yeah, you 我爱的是你

I'm not your number one 但却不是你心中的第一位

I saw you, with her 我看见 你和她

Kissing and having fun 亲吻 在一起很快乐

If you're giving her all of your money and time 如果你把时间和金钱都花在她身上

I'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you, yeah, you 我不会干坐着浪费我的时间和金钱在你身上

Ciao, adios, I'm done (I'm done) 再见 老娘不玩了

Ciao adios, I'm done 拜拜 老娘不玩了

Done (I'm done) 不玩儿

Ciao adios, I'm done 拜拜 老娘不玩了

After three, after four times 三次 四次以后

Why did I bother? 我怎么就学不会

Tell me how many more times 告诉我 多少次以后

Does it take to get smarter? 我才会变聪明

Don't need to deny the hurt and the lies不要矢口否认谎言和伤害

And all of the things you did to me以及所有你对我做得事情

I swear, I know you did 我发誓 我知道你绝对有背叛我

Now you take her out, in your fancy car 你先你开着你的豪华车带她出去兜风

And make out in the rain 在雨里亲人

And when she rings you up当她打电话给你

She know where you are她知道你的行踪

But I know differently 而我却不知道

Now she sings along, when you play guitar 现在你弹吉他 跟着唱的人是她

Making brand new memories 你们在创造者属于你们的全新美好回忆

Hope you treat her better than you treated me希望你不会像对我一样对她

I'm onto you, yeah, you 我爱的是你

I'm not your number one 但却不是你心中的第一位

I saw you, with her 我看见 你和她

Kissing and having fun 亲吻 在一起很快乐

If you're giving her all of your money and time 如果你把时间和金钱都花在她身上

I'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you, yeah, you 我不会干坐着浪费我的时间和金钱在你身上

Ciao, adios, I'm done (I'm done) 再见 老娘不玩了

Ciao adios, I'm done 拜拜 老娘不玩了

Done (I'm done) 不玩儿

If you're giving her all of your money and time 如果你把时间和金钱都花在她身上

I'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you, yeah, you 我不会干坐着浪费我的时间和金钱在你身上

Ciao, adios, I'm done (I'm done) 再见 老娘不玩了

Now you take her out, in your fancy car 你先你开着你的豪华车带她出去兜风

And make out in the rain 在雨里亲人

And when she rings you up当她打电话给你

She know where you are她知道你的行踪

But I know differently 而我却不知道

Now she sings along, when you play guitar 现在你弹吉他 跟着唱的人是她

Making brand new memories 你们在创造者属于你们的全新美好回忆

Hope you treat her better than you treated me希望你不会像对我一样对她

I'm onto you, yeah, you 我爱的是你

I'm not your number one 但却不是你心中的第一位

I saw you, with her 我看见 你和她

Kissing and having fun 亲吻 在一起很快乐

If you're giving her all of your money and time 如果你把时间和金钱都花在她身上

I'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you, yeah, you 我不会干坐着浪费我的时间和金钱在你身上

Ciao, adios, I'm done (I'm done) 再见 老娘不玩了

Yeah, ciao adios, I'm done 老娘不玩了

(Uh, you get on with your life) 你走你的阳关道

Ciao adios, I'm, I'm done 再见来娘不玩儿

(I'll get on with my life) 我过我的独木桥

If you're giving her all of your money and time 如果你把时间和金钱都花在她身上

I'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you, yeah, you 我不会干坐着浪费我的时间和金钱在你身上

Ciao, adios, I'm done (I'm done) 再见 老娘不玩了


你现在干嘛呢?What are you doing?

我煮东西呢。I'm cooking.

你在煮什么呢?What are you cooking?

吃的: Food!


长这样: be + doing

be=am, is, are



I am cooking.

You are cooking.

He is cooking.

She is cooking.

It is cooking.

We are cooking.

You are cooking.

They are cooking.


The bus is coming.

The mouse is stealing our food.

Those cats are fighting.

否定式: be + not + doing

I am ___cooking.

You are ____cooking.

He is ___ cooking.

She is ___ cooking.

It is ___ cooking.

We are ___ cooking.

You are ___ cooking.

They are ___ cooking.


The bus is ___ coming.

The mouse is ___stealing our food.

Those cats are ___ fighting.

一般疑问句: be + 主语 + doing

I am cooking. → Am I cooking?

You are cooking.→Are you cooking?

He is cooking. → Is he cooking?

She is cooking. → Is she cooking?

It is cooking. → Is it cooking?

We are cooking. → Are we cooking?

You are cooking. → Are you cooking.

They are cooking.→Are they cooking?


The bus is coming. → Is the bus coming?

The mouse is stealing our food.→ Is the mouse stealing our food?

Those cats are fighting.→ Are those cats fighting?


Yes, I am;

Yes, you are;

Yes, he is.

Yes, she is



No, I am not.

No, you are not.

No, he is not.

No, she is not.

特殊疑问式: 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句

What + are you cooking?你在煮什么呢? Porriage

What + are you doing? 你在做什么呢? Reading.

What + are you wear? 你正穿啥呢?Nothing/PJ.

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

collar ['kɔlə]


n. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环
vt. 抓住,为

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

guitar [gi'tɑ:]


n. 吉他





