
时间:2006-6-23 23:45:27  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

在美国买车、电视、冰箱、家具、钢琴等高价品(big-ticket item)都采取分期付款.一般都是先付20%的头期款(down payment),另外80%在三年左右分期付清.
Is financing available?=Is credit available? 可以分期付款吗?
How much do I put down?=How much down? 头期款多少?
Did you pay off your car yet? 你的汽车贷款都付清了吗?
-No,I still have six more monthly payments to make. 没有,还要付六个月./ It's paid up already. 已经付清了.

Try to translate this dialogue!--------------------------------
A:How much is this car?
B:$9,850 plus tax and licensing fees.
A:Is financing available?
B:Of course.You put down 20 percent and the remaining 80 percent will be spread out in 36 monthly payments.
A:What's the interest rate?
B:Eleven and a half percent.
A:What's the membership fee?
B:Two big ones.
A:Do I have to pay in a lump sum?
B:No.You may pay in five installments.


A:How much is this car? 这辆车多少钱?
B:$9,850 plus tax and licensing fees. 9850美元,含税和牌照费.
A:Is financing available? 可以分期付款吗?
B:Of course.You put down 20 percent and the remaining 80 percent will be spread out in 36 monthly payments. 先付20%,剩下的80%分三年按月付就可以了.[spread out 分期(偿还)]
A:What's the interest rate? 利率多少?
B:Eleven and a half percent. 11.5%
A:What's the membership fee? 会员费是多少?
B:Two big ones. 2000美元.(big one=grand [俚语]一千元)
A:Do I have to pay in a lump sum? 要一次付清吗?(a lump sum一次付清)
B:No.You may pay in five installments.不用.可以分五次付

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