Steven英语笔记:点滴积累from rags to riches

时间:2006-6-25 14:23:07  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
Steven英语笔记:点滴积累from rags to riches

虽然你不一定亲自读过Harry Potter的系列小说,可能也没有亲眼看过Harry Potter的电影。但你一定知道Harry Potter是个喜欢玩弄魔法的小男孩儿,你也一定知道这个角色的创造者原本只是一位单亲妈妈的J.K.Rowling成就了一个from rags to riches的传奇故事。
我们今天要讲的就是from rags to riches,现在请大家看看下面两个例子,猜猜from rags to riches 到底是什么意思:

1)He is a brilliant young footballer whose talent took him from rags to riches.
2)Her life is a rags-to-riches story.

怎么样?现在知道了吧?from rags to riches 的意思就是“从赤贫到暴富”。这类人的经历,被称作是 " rags-to-riches experience"或者是“rags-to-riches stories”;而有着这样经历的人又被称作是 "a rags-to-riches person"
我们脑海中还真有不少是from rags to riches的例子呢。不过,最后成为富翁的人并不都是from rags to riches。很多人的经历只是被大家臆造成了from rags to riches的传奇,大概人们觉得一定要是ragsriches的转变才更加有说服力吧。这样,人们就更加坚信了逆境使人进步的道理。

举出你的知道的成功人士中,from rags to riches的有哪些。

最后请大家欣赏老牌爵士乐手Tony Bennett带来的一首《Rags to Riches》

《Rags To Riches》
歌手:Tony Bennett
作词:Richard Adler and Jerry Ross
I know I'd go from rags to riches
If you would only say you care
And though my pocket may be empty
I'd be a millionaire

My clothes may still be torn and tattered
But in my heart I'd be a king
Your love is all that ever mattered
It's everything

So open your arms and you'll open the door
To ev'ry treasure that I'm hopin' for
Hold me and kiss me and tell me you're mine ever more

Must I forever be a beggar
Whose golden dreams will not come true?
Or will I go from rags to riches?
My fate is up to you

Must I forever be a beggar
Whose golden dreams will not come true?
Or will I go from rags to riches?
My fate is up to you

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