口语串串烧:Let's play ping pong!

时间:2006-8-4 23:56:55  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
口语串串烧:Let's play ping pong!

乒超联赛正在火热进行中,爱好乒乓球的朋友鞘遣皇鞘钟盅髁四兀縏om 和 Jerry 可是想比试一番了,两个人都是班里的乒乓球好手哦!

这一天 Tom向 Jerry 发出了邀请:

Tom: Let's play ping pong.
Jerry: OK. Let’s go.

When they arrive at the court, they find there are a lot of people. 真是不凑巧啊!

Tom: Oh, it's packed.
(呱呱提示:如果去了先到先得的场地,看到一群人在那里等着,你就可以说 It's packed. 了。 It's busy. 也有同样的意思哦!)

Jerry: That's fine. Let's warm up first.
(呱呱提示:“热身”就是 warm up,你会了吗?)

About 10 minutes later, a court is available.
(呱呱提示:“有场地空出”可以用available 这个词。)

Tom and Jerry begin. Jerry beats Tom.

Tom: That was a good game. You beat me easily.
Jerry: You're better though. I'm just lucky.

结果,Tom 不敌 Jerry,Tom 心甘情愿的认输,Jerry 就谦虚一下下:You're better though. I'm just lucky. 你打败别人的时候也可以这样说哦!

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