奥运英语口语:I listen to the radio everyday.

时间:2007-3-18 15:17:37  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
奥运英语口语:I listen to the radio everyday.

I listen to the radio everyday.


  A: Your pronunciation is very good, Ping. Your English sounds great.

  A: 你的发音非常好,平。你的英语听起来很好听。

  B: Thank you, Sue.

  B: 谢谢你,苏。

  A: it's really good. How do you practise?

  A: 你的英语真的很好。你怎么练习的?

  B: It's important to hear English and listen to it as much as you can.

  B: 尽可能地多听英语是很重要的。

  A: I listen to the radio everyday. I buy CDs with English songs. Everything helps!

  A: 我每天听收音机。我还买英语歌曲CD。这些都很有帮助!



  1. If you want to ask someone how they do something, use the question word How. e. g. How do you practise? How do you travel to work? 如果你想问某人如何做某事,用疑问词How(怎么)。例如: How do you practice? (你怎样练习?); How do you travel to work? (你怎么上班?)。

  2. You can talk simply about things you do everyday, or nearly everyday, e.g. I listen to the radio everyday; I read the newspaper everyday. 你可以简单地谈论你每天或者几乎每天都要做的事,例如: I listen to the radio everyday (我每天听收音机); I read the newspaper everyday (我每天读报纸)。


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