奥运英语口语:I'd like a guide book to Beijing

时间:2007-3-18 15:18:38  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
奥运英语口语:I'd like a guide book to Beijing

I'd like a guide book to Beijing.


  A: Is there a good bookshop near here?

  A: 这附近有好的书店吗?

  B: Yes, I know two bookshops near here, on Wangfujing Street.

  B: 有,我知道这附近有两家书店,在王府井大街上。

  A: I'd like to buy some guide books to Beijing.

  A: 我想买几本北京导游手册。

  B: No problem. I'll take you there.

  B: 没问题。我带你去。

  A: And maybe also a book to start learning Chinese.

  A: 也许还买本书开始学中文。

  B: We can find that, too. They are good bookshops.

  B: 我们也会找到这样的书。那是很不错的书店。


  1. Remember the words you use to describe location or position, e.g. near. Is there a bookshop near here; Is the restaurant near the hotel? 记住用来描述地址或者位置的短语,像near(在...的附近)。Is there a bookshop near here? (这附近有书店吗?); Is the restaurant near the hotel? (在饭店附近有餐馆吗?).

  2. Again, if you would like to do something, remember the phrase I would like to... or shorter version I'd like to ...e.g. I'd like to buy some books. 再重复一次,如果表达你想做某事,用短语I would like to...(我想...)或者用它的简略形式I'd like to...(我想...)。例如:I'd like to buy some books.(我想买几本书)。


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