奥运英语口语:I was born here

时间:2007-3-18 15:19:56  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
奥运英语口语:I was born here

 I was born here.


  A: How long have you lived in Beijing, Yan?

  A: 你在北京已经住了多久了,燕?

  B: All my life. I was born here.

  B: 一直住在这里。我出生在这里。

  A: So Beijing is your home city.

  A: 所以北京是你的家乡。

  B: Yes. It is. And you? Have you always lived in New York?

  B: 是的。你呢?你一直住在纽约吗?

  A: No, I was born in Washington. But I've lived in New York for ten years now.

  A: 不,我出生在华盛顿。但是我在纽约已经住了10年了。

  B: So do you think of New York as home or Washington?

  B: 那么你把哪里当成家,是纽约还是华盛顿?

  A: I guess New York.

  A: 我想是纽约。


  1. Remember how to ask how much time someone has spent living somewhere: How long have you lived in New York? 记住怎样问某人在某地已经住了多久:How long have you lived in New York?(你在纽约已经住了多久?).

  2. If you want to ask someone where they were born, you can ask: Where were you born? 如果你要问某人出生在哪里,说:where were you born?

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