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来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. Only in the dream world ?____? moments of desolation or terror that are worse than anything we have known under the sun.?

A. there isB. there areC. is thereD. are there?

2. Would you please ?____? spoil any material??

A. notB. not toC. to notD. don’t?

3. ?____? in physical shape, he dropped out of the University of Syracuse.?

A. As he was badB. Bad as he was?

C. Bad although he was D. Bad though he was?

4. I hope you don’t mind me ?____? you sir, but is there much money involved in the will??

A. askingB. to askC. askD. that I ask?

5. The reason Beethoven went away to the country is ?____?.?

A. that he was gradually going deaf?

B. because he was gradually going deaf?

C. on account of the fact that he was gradually going deaf ?

D. since he was gradually going deaf?

6. “I often feel a sudden fast heart beat when I’m idle.”“You should stop your exercising and need ?____?”? check your heart?

B. to have your heart checked?

C. to have checked your heart ?

D. to be checked your heart?

7. When I finish the story, Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor, ?____?, deep in thought.?

A. with his head bendingB. in his head bent?

C. his head bendingD. his head bent?

8. But what ?____? to define his personality is a driven concentration on his work, compulsive attention to every aspect of creating musicals.?

A. seems most B. is mostly?

C. is mostD. seems mostly?

9. Switzerland is ?____? a place to indulge in all your favorite winter sports; it’s also a marvellous spot to relax.?

A. rather thanB. more than ?

C. else thanD. other than?

10. I am lucky ?____? the thing I enjoy doing most is ?____? I’ve ended up doing.?

A. when... thatB. if...what?

C. that... whatD. that...that?

11. Please ?____? your voice if you have any questions to ask the chairman.?

A. riseB. raiseC. liftD. enlarge?

12. Owen obviously had no ?____? of doing any work that day, although it was only a week before the English Test.?

A. ambitionB. desireC. intentionD. wish?

13. The National Gallery in London has more visitors than ?____?any other because of its free admission.?

A. practicallyB. reallyC. actuallyD. completely?

14. On that bitterly cold winter night , few people walked along the ?______? narrow streets.?

A. lonelyB. neglectedC. desertedD. isolated?

15. If you keep gettingwrong numbers, your phone could be ?____?.?

A. defectiveB. ineffectiveC. deficientD. deceptive?

16. Mr.Johnson had a terrible cold and could not stop ?____?.?

A. yawningB. sighingC. sneezingD. spitting?

17. The chairman asked the members to ?____? their votes for or against the proposal.?

A. castB. throwC. bidD. offer?

18. She was barred from the golf club for refusing to ?____?with the request.?

A. conformB. adhereC. abideD. comply?

19. She always ?____? the smell of fresh bread with her aunt, who loved baking.?

A. associatedB. connectedC. attributedD. contributed?

20. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been ?______? , it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely.?

A. settledB. evenedC. calmedD. relieved?

21. She was paid by the hour, and she managed to keep her family with herpitiful?____?.?

A. salaryB. wagesC. stipendD. payment?

22. A plane is a ?____? and so is a car.?

A. transportB. driveC. vehicleD. carriage?

23. Tony was in plain clothes, watching for a ?____? character at London Airport all night.?

A. suspiciousB. suspectC. susceptibleD. doubtful?

24. At first she thought he was joking. It took Jason twenty minutes to convince her that he was ?____?.?

A. earnestB. realC. genuineD. serious?

25. You may even become a head waiter eventually. If you have the rightsortof ?____? and are not afraid of hard work.?

A. natureB. personalityC. temperD. character

关键字: 语法综合 专四语法




