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How much, Ted Narracott? I won't tell you a lie, though I would love to. Thirty guineas! Thirty guineas?

多少钱 泰德·纳拉科特?虽然我很想撒谎 但我不会 30基尼 30基尼?
He's not worth 10! Are you out of your mind? What about the rent?
He's a strong one, Rosie. Look at the way he holds his head.
它很强壮的 罗丝 看他昂首挺胸的姿势
How the hell are we gonna pull anything with that? Ted, you have to take him back. You have to take him back right now. You have to get down on your knees and beg for our money back.
它怎么可能用来耕田啊?泰德 你给我把他还回去 现在就给我还回去 跪求别人把钱要回来
No. No, please, don't take him back.
不不 求你了 别还回去
We can't take him back until he's broken in.
就算送回去 也要先训好马
And how are you gonna train a horse with that leg? I'll train him.
你这腿怎么训练他啊? 我来驯马吧
You stay out of this, Albert. You know nothing about horses.
你别来掺和了 艾伯特 你又不懂马
Please, Mum. Please, let me. I can do it. We have to keep him. No choice.
求你了妈妈 我可以的 我们只能养着他 别无他法
Right. Well, you got one month to break him in, or I'm taking him back myself. How'd you get to 30? What other fool bid you up that high?
好 限你一个月的时间驯服他 否则我亲自送他回去 你怎么开价到30基尼的?还有哪个蠢材跟你争?
It was Lyons. We're going to lose everything. After all we've been through, we're going to lose it all.
是莱昂斯 我们要倾家荡产了 大风大浪都过来了 现在要家破人亡了
Don't worry, Mum. I'll raise him. I'll raise him good.
别担心 妈妈 我来饲养他 我会养好的
Well, you better. Go on, get started! See if a child can undo what your fool of a father's done to this family of ours.
最好这样 赶紧的 开始啊 我看看一个孩子怎样挽回他那蠢爹给家里闯下的大祸
Easy, boy. Easy. Easy. Let's make a start then. It's oats. Very tasty, that is. It's beef and gravy to us. Come on. I'll bet you're missing your mother.
放松 放松 咱们开始吧 这可是燕麦 香喷喷的 对我们来说可是大鱼大肉 来 你肯定是想妈妈了
Look at you. First time without your mum. First time away from home. But you're not alone, are you? In fact 'Cause I'm here. It's all right. All right.
看你 第一次离开妈妈 第一次离开家 但你并不孤单 因为 有我陪你 没关系的 好
I'm going to call you Joey. You understand? Joey. That's you. And I'm Albert. It's all right. You're mine now. You're mine.
叫你乔伊怎么样?明白了吗 乔伊 就是你的名字了 我叫艾伯特 慢慢来 你是我的了
Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. Come on.
好孩子 好孩子 来吧
Whoa I want you stay there, Joey. Stay. That's it. Good boy. That's it, you got it.
停 我要你原地不动 乔伊 不要动 好了 好样的 好的 你明白了
Hey, look at him, Albie! He's playing Grandma's Footsteps!
看啊 艾伯 它在学做“跟屁虫”呢
All right. Come on, Joey. Back you go. Come on. Back you go. You're all right. That's it. Good boy. All right. You got to stay there. You understand?
好吧 听着 乔伊 退回去 来 退回去 好的 好 你得原地不动 明白吗?
That's it. Good boy. Good boy. You've got it. Good boy. Good boy. Good. Now call him. Whistle. Come now, Joey. Come on. You can come now, Joey.
对就这样 懂了嘛 好孩子 好孩子 好 吹哨子 现在过来吧 乔伊 过来 现在过来吧 乔伊
I don't think he fancies your owls. I read it in a story. It's how the Indians used to summon their horses.
他不喜欢你这么嚎 书里是这么说的 印第安人就是这么召唤他们的马的
Now, Joey, when I whistle, you've got to come. Understand?
听着 乔伊 我一吹哨子 你就过来 你明白吗?
My dad had a dog who stayed when you called him. He used to run up behind you when you were't looking, and...
我爸以前有条狗 怎么唤也不走 你不注意的时候 却跟着你跑……
He's not a dog. He's just puzzling it through.
他不是条狗 他只是还不明白
Will you look at you! Albie.
看你高兴的 艾伯

重点单词   查看全部解释    
whistle ['wisl]


n. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声

tasty ['teisti]


adj. 好吃的

fragrance ['freigrəns]


n. 香味

summon ['sʌmən]


vt. 召唤,召集,振奋

puzzling ['pʌzliŋ]


adj. 令人迷惑的,茫然不知所措的,莫名其妙的

awareness [ə'wɛənis]


n. 认识,意识,了解

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,


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