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来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Lucy! Lucy! Lucy Whitmore

can I ask you a question? Do you have any idea who I am?
No. No? That sucks.
不知道 不知道?真糟糕
What's your name? I' m Henry. Henry.
你叫什么名字? 我叫亨利 亨利
I want to show you something. Will you come with me? Well, yeah.
跟我来,我有东西让你看 好
Hey. Do you know who that guy is? Dude, I don't even know who I am.
Oh, well, you're Pablo Picasso. Really? No. Not really.
你是毕加索 真的? 不是真的
This is my studio. I don't know who you are, Henry but I dream about you almost every night. Why?
这是我的工作室 我不知道你是谁,亨利…… 但我几乎每晚都梦见你 为什么?
What would you say if I told you that notebook you read every day.
要是我告诉你 你每天都看的那本日记
I would say that that makes a lot of sense. You erased me from your memories.
我会说那很有可能 你把我从你记忆里抹去
because you thought you were holding me back from having, a full and happy life.
因为你以为你拖累了我 害我无法拥有快乐的人生
But you made a mistake. Being with you is the only way I could have a full and happy life.
但是你错了 我只有跟你在一起才会快乐
You're the girl of my dreams and apparently I' m the man of yours.
你是我最完美的伴侣 而我显然也是你的完美伴侣
Henry. It's nice to meet you. Lucy, it's nice to meet you too.
亨利 真高兴认识你 露西,我也一样
Hi, I' m Tom. Henry, Lucy. Nice to meet you, Tom.
你好,我是汤姆 亨利、露西,幸会,汤姆
Now why don't you come back in ten seconds so we can meet again?
Do you, Honah Lee, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife. to have and to hold from this day forh.
亨利,你是否愿意 娶这位女子为妻
as long as you both shall live? I do. Really? Even though in, like, 10, 15 years.
从今起彼此相互扶持 直到永远? 我愿意 真的? 纵使经过10到15年后
she could possibly let herself go and then, like.
sex could be, like, nauseating for you?
What are you, nuts? Your wife's right over there. I'm just kidding, Muumuu!
你疯啦?你老婆在场耶 我开玩笑的啦,如花
I now pronounce you man and wife. Mazel tov! It's very cold, so when you're ready.
我宣布你们结为夫妻 恭喜! 外面很冷,上来要加衣服
put on a jacket and come have breakfast with me. Love you.
Hey, hey! Good morning, Mrs. Roth. Would you like to meet your daughter?
早安,罗太太 见过你女儿吧?
Go say hello to Mommy.
Hi, Mommy. That's right. Good morning. Oh, my goodness! Grandpa's here. Hi, Dad.
妈咪 很好 早安 老天爷! 爷爷在这里 阿爸

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