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灵异故事:Alamo Sentry 1(阿拉莫岗哨1)
时间:2008-9-15 18:54:39  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

I had just moved to San Antonio, Texas. I had gotten a job working for the tour bus service that would take tourists on a short tour of the city's historic places and would end up at the Alamo.

  It was near closing time and I was driving back from my last tour of the day. It was a cool February day, and there wasn't anyone on my bus, I was on my way back from the San Fernando Catholic church. I was about to keep driving by when I saw a man dressed up in an old buckskin jacket and a large worn out hat. I was thinking to myself, that this person must be a re-enactor or something walking around. I stopped and opened the door and asked the man, "Need a ride?" He looked up at me and I finally saw how young he was. He was a teenager if not a teen or he had to be in his early twenties. Without saying anything he just walked on board and sat down in a seat behind me. I made sure that there wasn't any other people needing a ride somewhere and closed the door.

  "Where you heading?" I asked him he looked up into the mirror at me and replied.

  "I've got to get to the fort and report to Col. Travis that the Mexicans are here!" I laughed to myself thinking that this man was a serious re-enactor.

  "I'm guessing you mean the Alamo?" I said back to him. I looked up at him in the mirror and saw that he wasn't smiling nor laughing. I just put my foot on the gas and started to drive away.









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