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灵异故事:漂浮的女头,神秘的夜猫 1
时间:2008-9-28 13:04:02  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

A floating head and a cat 1(漂浮的女头,神秘的夜猫 01)

My father has lived Aspen, Colorado for over 20 years during the ski season, November to April, as he is an avid skier. I lived in my father’s house for a year and a half in 1990/91 when I was working at a gallery in Aspen, but had no experiences except for being extremely uncomfortable in the downstairs area. Recently that changed.

  I am married now and my husband, son and I went to visit my father over the holidays. My brother, his wife and his 3 children were visiting as well and were already there. My father’s home is a two level, 4 bedroom house in Snowmass Village. It was built in the 70’s and he is the second owner. I know nothing about the first owner. There are two bedrooms downstairs with a full bath, a workout room, a laundry room, and a sauna room/ski storage area. The house is built into the side of the mountain, so there are no windows for the downstairs bathroom, workout, laundry and sauna room. The windows for the two bedrooms are not as expansive or bright as the rooms on the floors above so it can appear pretty dim in the rooms down there, especially the second bedroom furthers from the stairs and closest to the other dark rooms.


  如今,我已结婚生子,那是在一个假日,丈夫、儿子还有我来到这里看望父亲。而我弟弟当时跟他妻子和他的三个孩子也正好来看父亲。这座房子地处聚雪山庄(Snowmass Village),建于上个世纪70年代,共有两层,四间卧室,我父亲是这座房子的第二任房主,而对于第一任房主我一无所知。楼下有两间卧室,一个厕所,一间健身房,一间洗衣房,此外还有一个桑拿间和雪橇放置区。这座房子在建造时是傍山而建,所以底层的厕所、健身房、洗衣房及桑拿间都没有窗户,漆黑一片;而两间卧室的窗户跟楼上的比起来也是又小又暗,所以下到这里就会觉得昏暗迷蒙,暗淡无光。




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