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灵异故事:路边天使 03
时间:2008-12-26 11:30:02  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Guardian On The Road 03

The woman got into the front seat with mom and I just watched intently, waiting and waiting. They were jabbering to each other a lot and I was starting to get irritated that I could not pick up even a word of what they were saying. My mom started driving in a direction I was not familiar with. It seemed to me we were getting farther and farther away from our direction of home. Then it dawned on me, the gas! We were almost on empty. I brought this to mom’s attention and she looked a little disturbed too. She said for me not to worry, she would dig through her pennies if she had to get us home. Now please remember, this German women spoke no English. Well I was still worried, but I knew mom always took good care of us so I tried to relax.

  We drove quite a ways on the freeway then pulled off onto an exit neither of us was familiar with at all. This woman directed her to an area we never knew of. When we finally reached this woman’s home I was happy to know she would be exiting the car and we could just go home. She stepped out of the car and said something to my mother. Then she started walking up the walkway to the door of her quaint looking home. I said, "Let's go mom". But mom told me the woman had asked her to wait to make sure she could get in.





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