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影视听力 第4期:17 again重返十七岁

时间:2009-09-04 20:38:36 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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生活中你是否还在为多年前的某个影响自己一生的决定叹息不止?中年男人迈克(马修·佩里Matthew Perry 饰)也是。
25年前,17岁的迈克(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron 饰)叱咤校园,是整个蓝球队的灵魂人物。本来可以顺利拿到奖学金直接保送大学他,却为了爱情而退出了人生最重要的一次出赛,从此他的生命中再也没有出现过高潮。

另外,《老友记》(Friends)中的钱德(马修·佩里 Matthew Perry 饰)的加入,也让该片倍受关注。



Am I,I can tear you down!

But you are looking at Scarlett kicking you out of the house

Hey, that's my stuff.

And the kids want nothing to do with you as a negative.

Can you just turn down the music?

I guess most of them is negative, isn't it?

Oh yeah.

You are upset for that.

Mike O’Donnell is at an age when life seems to have passed him by.

Bet you wish you had to do all over again.

You got that right.

But in one extraordinary moment,

"Hey, get off from there."

He’ll get to turn back the clock and be 17, all over again.

Ah... No way. It's freaking me out.

It’s freaking me out. I am  pubescent. This is my chance to help my life over. But to do it right. I'm going back to high school, man.

Don't even think about sucking me into it with you.

I'm here to enroll my son.


What is this you're wearing?

This is hip.

What did you do, Mark Cafard!

What are you wearing? You look like Clay Aiken.


Why is the new Kid waving at me?

He is back in class.

What are you eating?

I don't even know. I just know I am hungry


And he is back in the game.

Hi, mom this is Mark.

Wow, you look just like my husband. So weird.

Isn't  weird

This spring

Maggie has some boyfriend? Why are you dating him? He is bullying your little brother.

Who do you think you are? My father?

He's got one last shot.

It’s not about me, it's about helping Alex and Maggie.

to get things right.

Who won?

No, it was pretty even.

Right! On Youtube you looked like you've gotten your butt kicked.

New Line Cinema presents.

When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world, but it's not, it's just the beginning.

[This is the best thing that I have ever have through yet ]

Zac Efron

I'm in basketball team.

Really? Oh, I'm so proud of you.

Me too.

He did great out there.Oh, Mark, that's super-imappropriate.

I see.

17 again.

相关热词搜索: 影视听力

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