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英语沙龙:Dining Etiquette When Dating
Dining Etiquette When DatingBe sure to make reservations if the restaurant you chose is a fancy or popular one.It’s very embarrassing to show up without reser

标签: 时间:2011-06-13 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:Stress and Relaxation
Stress and RelaxationIt is commonly believed that only rich middle-aged businessmen suffer from stress.In fact anyone may become ill as a result of stressif th

标签: 时间:2011-06-10 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:Education and Schooling
Education and SchoolingIt is commonly believed in the United Statesthat school is where people go to get an education.Nevertheless,it has been saidthat today c

标签: 时间:2011-06-09 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:You Can Have Entertainment at No Cost
You Can Have Entertainment at No CostMost of us trade money for entertainment.Movies, concerts and shows are enjoyable but expensive.If you think that you cann

标签: 时间:2011-06-08 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:The Reasons We Fight over Finance
The Reasons We Fight over FinanceWhen I started doing research for this column,asking what sorts of money fights people have, every single couple said the same

标签: 时间:2011-06-07 编辑:sunny

WorkIt is physically impossible for a well-educated,intellectual,or brave man to make money the chief object of his thoughts;as physically impossible as it is

标签: 时间:2011-06-03 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:Information is Power
Information is PowerIn such a changing,complex society formerly simple solutions to informational needsbecome complicated.Many of life’s problems which were s

标签: 时间:2011-06-02 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:Did The Earth Move for You?
Did The Earth Move for You?Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a debilitating diseaseinvolving her nervous system.She was unable to walk and her movementw

标签: 时间:2011-06-01 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:It’s Never Too Late to Change
It’s Never Too Late to ChangeAge is no criterion when it comes to changing your life.In fact, it might be just the opposite.The older we get, the more we must

标签: 时间:2011-05-31 编辑:sunny

英语沙龙:Dissatisfactions at Work
Dissatisfactions at WorkFor most of us, the work is the central,dominating factor of life.We spend more than half our conscious hours at work,traveling to and

标签: 时间:2011-05-31 编辑:sunny