So, "As I have discussed", what we're doing is we're just taking that phrase, basically, and this shows the tone...在第一部分,基本上我们要做的就是把"As I have discussed"这个短语用上,
Hi, everyone, I'm Jade, what we're talking about today is writing a conclusion for an IELTS exam or a CAE exam.大家好,我是Jade,今天我要教你们在雅思考试或者CAE考试的作文中写一个结尾部分。
In the writing section, you have... in Task 1, you have to compare a reading section with a listening section.在写作部分,你们要......第一题,你们要把一个阅读材料和一段听力材料做一个对比。
Another group you can use is similar meanings, so synonyms, words that have similar meanings or a similar function, okay?你们能用的另一种分组方法是相似的意义,即同义词,也就是有着相似的含义或者相似功能的单词。