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来源:网络 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


因此,这就是“澳中二点零”的潜力。“澳中二点零” 是定义双方经济交往的一个新词儿。“澳中二点零”认可,中国经济增长模式变化带来的影响,做出预测,并做好准备。“澳中二点零”认可,澳大利亚几十年来都是中国优秀的、可靠的经济伙伴。“澳中二点零”以双方的经济优势为基础。
This, therefore, is the potential strength of ‘Australia – China 2.0’, a new phase of mutual and economic engagement. One which recognizes, anticipates and prepares for the impact of China’s changing economic growth model. One which recognizes Australia’s record of being a significant and reliable economic partner over the decades. One which is based on mutual economic advantage.

At the government level, we can play our part – getting the policy setting right, ensuring the success of the conclusion of the Australia-China FTA. But ultimately it depends on business. For Australia, it means our corporate community fully geared up for the impact of the new Chinese economic development model. It means being ahead of the curve. It means investing time and effort. It means employing bilingual Australians in the interest of your business. It means being on the front foot. It means not resting on our laurels. Above all, it means being here and not just being in Beijing. Being across the country in the emerging second tier cities of the future, where much of the future growth will occur.

上星期,四百多家澳大利亚公司,在北京有了一个很好的开始。他们是澳大利亚公司董事学会的部分代表,这是多年来最大的一个代表团。但这仅仅是开始。回澳大利亚后,我和贸易部长会到各州的首府去,去讲讲中国二点零是怎么回事。今年下半年,我们还想来中国。我们想带一个贸易投资代表团去一些省份和新兴的中心城市, 去那些会推动中国未来发展的地方。
Over the past week in Beijing we’ve made a good start with 420 company directors representing Australian businesses as part of AICD delegation to China - the largest in years. But it’s only a start. Back in Australia, the Trade Minister and I will be going on the road to state capitals to argue what China 2.0 is all about. And later in the year, we intend to be back, leading a trade and investment mission to some of the provinces and rising urban centres that will drive this country’s future.

对中国的未来,我一直很乐观。对于澳中经济关系的未来, 我也一直很乐观。我相信,“澳中二点零” 会推动双边经济关系的发展。
I have always been an optimist about China’s future. I’ve always been an optimist about the future of the Australia-China economic relationship and ‘Australia-China 2.0’ can be the driver of that future.





