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时间:2007-10-3 11:32:14  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Francesca: Oh. I'm supposed to say, It's just fine. It's quiet. The people are really nice, and all that is true, mostly. It's quiet and people are nice. In some ways, you know, we'll help each other out. When someone is sick or hurt, all the neighbors come in. They pick corn, or harvest oats, whatever. When it's been done, you're going to town, you can leave your car unlocked, let the kids run around, don't worry about them. Yea, there are lot of nice things about people here and I respect them for these qualities, but…
(一段很精彩的描述, 给人一种浓浓的纯朴乡土气息。 句中所用的单词甚为简单,但表意无不到位,是英语学习者模仿练习的典范。)
Robert:  But?
Francesca:  Well,it is not what I dreamed of as a girl.
Robert: Yea. I scribbled【潦草地书写】something down the other day. I often do that when l am on the road. It goes like this,the old dreams or good dreams, they didn't work out, but l had them. I don't know what all that means, just thought it might be used someday. Well, anyway I think I kind of know how you feel.


ROBERT: Tell me why you're not coming with me?
罗伯特: 告诉我你为什么不跟我一起走?
FRANCESCA: No matter how I keep turning it around in my mind -- it doesn't seem like the right thing.
ROBERT: For who? 
罗伯特:  对谁而言?
no matter 后接关系副词what/ how/ when/ where 引导让步状语从句,表示“不管——” 。
如 :No matter where you go, good luck would always come along with you.
      No matter what things have happened, my heart would never change.
      不管发生了什么事, 我心永远不会变。
FRANCESCA: For anyone. They'll never be able to live through the talk. And Richard... will never be able to get himself all around this, it will break him in two-half. He doesn't deserve【该得】 this, as he never rude anyone else in his whole life.
get around/round sb. 意思是说服某人, 让某人接受相反的观点或某种事实。
如:  I wonder if you can find some ways to get around/round your manufacturers for a special effort and deliver the goods all at one time.
ROBERT: (getting aggressive) Then he can move on as people move!
FRANCESCA: His family has been on this farm for almost a hundred years. Richard doesn't know how to live anywhere else. And the kids... 
ROBERT: The kids are grown! They don't need you anymore. You told me that they hardly talk to you.
FRANCESCA: No, they don't say much. But Carolyn's 16. She's just about to find out about all this for herself -- she's going to fall in love, she's going to try and figure out how to build a life with someone. If I leave what does that say to her?
figure out 想出,弄明白 相当于come to understand
I can't figure out why he quit his job.
ROBERT: What about us?
FRANCESCA: You've got to know deep down that the minute we leave here, everything will change.
ROBERT: Yeah. It could get better.  
FRANCESCA: No matter how much distance we put between us and this house, I carry it with me. And I'll feel it every minute we're together. I start to  blame loving you for how much it hurts. And then even these four days won't be anything more than something sordid【肮脏的】and a mistake.
blame 意为“责备,谴责”, 后面可和介词for 连用,表示受谴责的原因。
如 :Which driver was to blame for the accident?
       在上面句子中“was to blame” 是一个习惯搭配,句中虽然有表示被动之意,但不能说成“was to be blamed”,这一点大家需要时刻注意。再看看下一句,这绝对是一句帮助你推卸责任的好句子。
如: It's not my fault. I'm not the one to blame.
ROBERT: Francesca, listen to me. You think what's happened to us happens to just anybody? All we feel for each other were hardly to separate people now. Some people search their whole lives for this and never found it-- others don't even think it exists. You are going to tell me that this is the right thing to do, to give it up?
FRANCESCA: We are the choices that we have made, Robert. Please. You don't understand. Don't you see, nobody understands when a woman makes a choice to marry, to have children? In one way her life begins, but in another way it stops. You build a life of details, you just stop and stay steady so that your children can move. And when they leave, they take your life of details with them. And then you're expected move again only you don't remember what moves you, because no one has asked in so long. Not even yourself. You never think that love like this can happen to you.
弗朗西斯卡:我们自己就是我们已经作出的选择,罗伯特,求求你了。(绝望地解释道) 你不明白。你难道不明白,没有人会理解一个女人决定嫁人和生孩子的意义?从一方面来说,她的生活刚开始,而另一方面,她的生活又停止了。过具体的生活,成为母亲,妻子,你就得停下来,过平稳的日子,这样你的孩子们才能长大。当他们离开的时候,他们把你的琐碎生活也随之带走。别人期望你继续前进。只是你不记得你的生活动力是什么,因为很久没人问你了,包括你自己。你也没有想过这样的爱情会发生在你的身上。
ROBERT: But now you have it.  
FRANCESCA: I want to keep it forever. I want to love you the way I do now the rest of my life. But if we leave we lose it. And I can't make an entire life disappear to start a new one. All I can do is try to hold up so well inside of me. You have to help me.
ROBERT: Who is us? Don't throw us away. Maybe you feel in this way, maybe you don't. Maybe it's because you are in this house. Maybe tomorrow when they come back, you will feel in different way. Don't you think it's possible?
FRANCESCA: I don't know.
ROBERT: Well, look, I'm gonna be here a few more days. We can talk it later. We don't have to decide it right now. Maybe we will see each other and you will change your mind.
FRANCESCA: Robert. Don't do this.
ROBERT: I don't want to say goodbye right now! We have to make that decision. Maybe you'll change your mind.
FRANCESCA: If that happens, you have to decide. Because I can't.
弗朗西斯卡:  如果真是那样,你得做决定,因为我不能。
ROBERT: I'll say this once. I never said it before. This kind of certainty comes just once in a lifetime.
罗伯特:  我只想声明一次,我以前从来没有这样说过。像这样肯定的事一生中只能出现一次。

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