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地道英语学习第31期(附讲解音频):got legs 可行的
Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》节目。我是王飞。William: Hello, I'm William Kremer.Wang Fei: William, this could be my last ever Authentic Real English!W

标签: 时间:2011-09-26 编辑:Lily

地道英语学习第30期(附讲解音频):good egg 大好人
Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》节目。我是王飞。 Rob: Hello, I'm Rob. Wang Fei: Did you enjoy the party at the weekend? 周末的party你喜欢吗?Rob: Of cour

标签: 时间:2011-09-23 编辑:beck

3.与Friday有关的俚语:Friday——忠仆,随从(源自鲁滨逊漂流记)Man Friday——男忠仆Girl Friday——得力助手(尤指女秘书)Pal Friday——极受信赖的女秘书Friday fac

标签: 时间:2011-09-22 编辑:beck

地道英语学习第29期(附讲解音频):tastic 精彩的
Finn: Welcome to the slang-tastic programme, The English We Speak. Wang Fei: Hello, I'm Wang Fei. Finn: This is our word-tastic programme where you learn the l

标签: 时间:2011-09-21 编辑:beck

1、与Sunday有关的俚语: Sunday best, Sunday clothes, Sunday togs, Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes——高档、漂亮的衣裳;盛装Sunday run——长距离Sunday painter——

标签: 时间:2011-09-20 编辑:beck

Finn: Hello. I'm Finn. Li: And I'm Li. 我们小声讲话的原因是我们现在呀正坐在观众席上,参加即将开始的伦敦踢踏舞大奖赛的颁奖仪式。 Finn: Yes. And I think it's goi

标签: 时间:2011-09-19 编辑:beck

get up on the wrong side of the bed 起床时心情很坏范例对话A: What's the matter with Bernard today? He started shouting from the moment he stepped into the offi

标签: 时间:2011-09-16 编辑:beck

地道英语学习第27期(附讲解音频):chillax 放轻松
Wang Fei: (Screaming) Ahhh!! Finn: Wang Fei, are you ok? Wang Fei: No! (Screaming) Ahhh!! Finn: Wang Fei, what's wrong? Wang Fei: 录音间里有一只大绿蜘蛛! Finn

标签: 时间:2011-09-15 编辑:beck

美国俚语:scream bloody murder 大声喊叫
scream bloody murder英文解释:to shout or to complain very loudly中文解释:大声喊叫或抱怨例句Sometimes the baby screams bloody murder when we give her a bath.当我

标签: 时间:2011-09-14 编辑:beck

地道英语学习第26期(附讲解音频):jump the gun 操之过急
William: Watch out, he is going to jump the gun again… 看,他又要抢跑了。Yang Li: You don't know that yet, so don't you jump the gun. 你还不知道他是否抢跑,别

标签: 时间:2011-09-13 编辑:beck