【考法 1】 adj. 自大的,自鸣得意的: having too high an opinion of oneself
【例】 The winner was so smug that he lost the support of the crowd. 胜利者过于自大,以至于失去了群众的支持。
【近】 complacent, egoistic, overweening, pompous, proud, self-satisfied, vain
【反】 egoless, humble, modest 谦逊的
【考法 2】 adj. 整洁的,有序的: being clean and in good order
【例】 The suburb's smug lawns and tree-lined streets bespeak a comfortable affluence. 郊区整齐有序的草坪和种满树木的街道,代表着其间的舒适和财富。
【近】 dapper, kempt, orderly, shipshape, spruce, tidy, trim, uncluttered, well-groomed
【反】 disheveled, disordered, messy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy 邋遢的,混乱的
【考法 1】 n. 走私,私运: secret importation or exportation contrary to the law and especially without paying duties imposed by law
【例】 He was arrested for smuggling drugs into the country. 他因为向境内走私毒品而被逮捕。
【近】 bootlegging, contraband
【考法 1】 n. 无法逃脱的困境: something that catches and holds
【例】 Someday you'll find that your lies are a snare from which you can't escape. 总有一天你会发现,你所说过的谎话都会变成你无法逃脱的困境。‖caught in the snare of drug addiction 处于吸毒上瘾的困境之中
【近】entanglement, mesh, morass, net, noose, quagmire, quicksand, toil, trap
【考法 2】 vt. 捕捉: to capture by or as if by use of a snare
【例】 They snared a rabbit earlier in the day. 今天的早些时候他们捕获了一只兔子。‖The car salesman successfully snared three potential customers. 汽车销售员成功地让三个潜在的客户上钩了。
【近】 catch, enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entrap, tangle
【反】 disentangle 解开;free, liberate 释放
【考法 1】 v. 纠缠,纠结: to twist together into a usually confused mass
【例】 You'll be awfully sorry if you snarl your fishing line. 要是你把渔网给缠在一起,你肯定会非常后悔的。‖The new regulation has succeeded in nothing but snarling up rush-hour traffic throughout the city. 新的政策只将全城高峰时期的交通变得更为复杂难解。
【近】 entangle, ensnarl, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, knot, ravel, tangle
【反】 disentangle, extricate, unravel, unsnarl, untwine, untwist 解开
【考法 2】 vi. 咆哮,怒吼: to give vent to anger in surly language
【例】 She snarled at me after I kept badgering her with questions. 在我不断用问题骚扰她之后,她终于忍不住爆发了。
【近】 bark, fulminate, rant, roar, scream, shout, storm, vent
【反】 calm 冷静下来
【考法 1】 vt. (轻蔑地)嘲笑: to speak in a scornful, contemptuous, or derisive manner
【例】 They would invariably sneer every time they passed the hapless nerds. 每次经过那个不幸的书呆子身边时,他们总是会报以不变的嘲笑。
【近】 deride, gibe, laugh, jeer, jibe, mock, ridicule
【反】 esteem, honor, respect, revere, venerate 尊敬
【考法 1】 adj. 谄上傲下的,自大的: being or characteristic of a person who has an offensive air of superiority and tends to ignore or disdain anyone regarded as inferior
【例】 I expected her to be snobbish but she was warm and friendly. 我本以为她会是个自大的人,结果她非常热心和友好。
【近】 aristocratic, bumptious, elitist, haughty, imperious, persnickety, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious
【反】 egoless, humble, modest 谦逊的,不自大的
【考法 1】 v. 轻视,不理睬: to treat with contempt or neglect
【例】 The snob in town always snubbed anyone she thought was beneath her. 镇上那个自命不凡的人总是对那些她认为不如她的人不屑一顾。
【近】 contemn, disdain, disrespect, slight, look down
【反】 esteem, honor, respect, revere, venerate 尊敬
【考法 1】 vt. 使…湿透: to make thoroughly wet or saturated by or as if by placing in liquid
【例】 That downpour soaked my hair, and now I look like a sight. 那场大雨把我的头发淋湿了,所以我现在看起来格外滑稽。‖We ran for home as soon as the rain started, but our clothes still ended up soaked. 我们一发觉
【近】 douse, drench, drown, impregnate, macerate, saturate, sodden, sop, souse, steep
【反】 dehydrate, dry, desiccate 脱水;parch, sear, scorch 烤干,烧焦;wring 拧干
【考法 1】 adj. 严肃的: marked by seriousness, gravity, or solemnity of conduct or character
【例】 She made a sober reply to what was only a teasing comment. 她很严肃地回复了那个恶搞的评论。‖Illness is a sober reminder of our mortality. 疾病是死亡给我们发出的严肃警告。
【近】 earnest, grave, humorless, sedate, severe, sober, solemn, staid, weighty
【反】 facetious, flip, flippant, humorous, jesting, jocular, joking, playful 轻佻的,幽默有趣的
【考法 2】 adj. 节制的: given to or marked by restraint in the satisfaction of one's appetites
【例】 decided to live a sober life after bankruptcy 破产以后决定过有节制的生活
【近】 abstentious, abstinent, continent, self-denying, temperate
【反】 hedonistic, licentious, self-indulgent, sensual, sybaritic, voluptuary 纵欲的,享乐主义的
【考法 3】 adj. 有理有据的: based on sound reasoning or information
【例】 a sober assessment of the situation 关于局势有理有据的分析
【近】 firm, informed, justified, levelheaded, logical, rational, reasonable, sensible, solid, valid, well-founded
【反】 groundless, illogical, invalid, unfounded, uninformed, unjustified, unreasonable, unsound 没有道理的
【考法 1】 adj. 湿透的: containing, covered with, or thoroughly penetrated by water
【例】 We stripped off our sodden clothes and wrung them dry. 我们脱下湿透了的衣服并将它们拧干。
【近】 awash, bathed, doused, drenched, logged, saturated, soaked, watered, waterlogged
【反】 arid, dry 干燥的
【考法 2】 vt. 使…湿透: to wet thoroughly with liquid
【例】 Soldiers' boots were soddened by endless hours in muddy trenches. 长时间身处泥泞的战壕使得士兵的靴子湿透了。
【近】 douse, drench, drown, impregnate, macerate, saturate, soak, sop, souse, steep
【反】 dehydrate, dry, desiccate 脱水;parch, sear, scorch 烤干,烧焦;wring 拧干
n. 冷笑,嘲笑
v. 嘲笑,冷笑