【考法 1】 adj. 勇敢的: having a stout heart or spirit
【例】 a stouthearted army officer who risked his life to save his men 为了拯救部下宁愿牺牲自己的勇敢军官
【近】 bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, intrepid, stalwart, stout, valiant, valorous
【反】 cowardly, craven, fearful, gutless, nerveless, pusillanimous, spineless, spiritless, timorous 怯懦的stratagem
【考法 1】 n. 谋略,策略: an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy
【例】 a stratagem to secure customer loyalty 用来稳固客户忠诚度的计谋
【近】 artifice, device, gambit, gimmick, intrigue, maneuver, ruse, scheme, trick, wile
【考法 1】 n. 海峡: a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water
【例】 Thousands of vessels pass through the straits annually. 每年数以千计的货轮要通过这个海峡。
【近】 channel, narrow, neck
【反】 isthmus 地峡
【考法 2】 n. 痛苦: a state of great suffering of body or mind
【例】 in dire straits over the loss of her mother’s cherished necklace 因为丢失了母亲最珍贵的项链而陷入了极端的痛苦之中
【近】 affliction, agony, anguish, excruciation, misery, pain, torment, torture, travail, tribulation, woe strand
【考法 1】 n. 绳、线之一股: a single filament, such as a fiber or thread, of a woven or braided material
【例】 a strand of DNA DNA 中的一条链
【近】 thread
【考法 2】 v. 遗弃,使置于困境: to leave in a strange or an unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart
【例】 The convoy was stranded in the desert. 车队被困在了沙漠之中。
【近】 abandon, desert, forsake, maroon, quit
【反】 evacuate, reclaim, rescue 救出
【考法 1】 vt. 使分成各种等级: to divide into classes, castes, or social strata
【例】 Income distribution often stratifies a society. 收入分配往往将社会分层
【近】 assort, categorize, classify, differentiate, distinguish, separate
【反】 homogenize 使均匀;commingle, mingle 混合
【派】 stratification n. 分层化
【考法 1】 adj. 漫无目的的: lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern
【例】 No stray sighting of UFO’s has been rigorously analyzed by scientists. 在无规律出现的 UFO 事件之中,尚未有被科学家严谨分析的案例。
【近】 aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, scattered, slapdash
【反】 methodical, orderly, organized, regular 有条理的,有组织的;systematic, systematized 系统性的
【考法 2】 vi. 离群,迷途,偏离: to move away from a group, deviate from the correct course, or go beyond
established limits
【例】 to stray from the main road 偏离了主干道
【近】 deviate, digress, err, wander
【考法 1】 n. 力量: the ability to exert effort for the accomplishment of a task
【例】 We are facing an army of great strength. 我们面对的是一支强大的军队。
【近】 energy, force, might, potency, power, puissance, sinew, vigor
【反】 impotence, impotency, powerlessness, weakness 无力
【考法 2】 n. (抵抗攻击、压力的)强度: the ability to withstand force or stress without being distorted, dislodged, or damaged
【例】 This cheap shelve unit doesn't have the strength to hold all those books. 这个廉价的书架不足以支撑所有的书本。
【近】 firmness, soundness, sturdiness
【反】 insecurity, instability, precariousness, shakiness, unstableness, unsteadiness 不稳固
【派】 strengthen vt. 增强
【考法 1】 vt. 加条纹: to mark with striations or striae
【例】 The inner surface of the bark is smooth, of a pale, yellowish brown and very finely striated. 树皮的内部十分光滑,显着偏暗偏黄的棕色,并且有着十分精细的条纹。
【近】 furrow, streak, stripe
【派】 striated adj. 有条纹的
【考法 1】 n. 责难,批评: an adverse criticism
【例】 The reviewer made several strictures upon the author's style. 评论家就作者的文风发出了不少责难。
【近】 censure, condemnation, denunciation, excoriation, obloquy, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof
【反】 commendation, eulogy 表扬,颂词
【考法 1】 vi. 迈大步走: to move with or as if with long steps
【例】 strode to the door and slammed it 大步走向门口,狠狠地把门摔上
【近】 march, pace, parade
【反】 mince 碎步走
adj. 有秩序的,整齐的,一丝不苟的,和平的