【考法1】adj. 刺耳的:characterized by harsh,insistent, and discordant sound
【例】plagued bythe strident noise 被刺耳的噪声所折磨
【近】grating,harsh, hoarse, jarring, rasping, raucous, squawky
【反】mellifluous (声音)甜美的;harmonious和谐的
【派】stridencen. 喧闹,刺耳
【考法1】n. 攻击:the act or action of setting upon with force or violence
【例】The firststrike was directed at a munitionswarehouse. 第一轮攻击的目标是军火仓库。
【近】aggression, assault, charge, offense, onset, onslaught, raid, rush
【考法2】vt. 铸造(奖牌):to form by stamping, printing, or punching
【近】build,fabricate, forge, form, make, mold, shape
【考法3】vt. 击打:to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with thehand, a weapon, or a tool)
【例】angrilystuck the security guard 愤怒地殴打保安
【近】bat, beat,hammer, hit, knock, nail, punch, swat
【考法4】vt. 袭击,攻击:to take sudden, violent action against
【例】Arattlesnake strikes its prey with lightning speed. 响尾蛇以惊人的速度攻击了它的猎物。
【近】assail,beset, storm, set on
【考法5】vt. 撞击:to come into usually forceful contact with something
【例】Onebullet-train struck the other one which had been forced to stop on a viaductdue to lightning strike, resulting in huge casualties. 一辆动车撞向了另一辆因雷击而停在高架桥上的动车,造成了巨大的人员伤亡。
【近】bang,bash, bump, collide, crash, impact, impinge, ram, slam, smash, swipe, thud
【派】strikingadj. 引人注目的
【考法1】adj. 紧绷的:tight, constricted
【近】inflexible, rigid, taut
【反】lax,loose, slack 松弛的
【考法2】adj. 严格的:marked by rigor, strictness, orseverity especially with regard to rule or standard
【例】Itsdrug-testing procedures are the most stringent in the world. 它的药检程序是世界上最严格的
【近】draconian,exacting, ironhanded, rigorous, severe, strict, uncompromising
【反】lenient 宽大的,仁慈的
【考法1】vt. 脱衣,剥去:to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from
【例】Guardsstripped and start to search the prisoners. 守卫剥光了犯人,开始搜身。
【近】denude,disrobe, doff, unclothe, undress
【反】dress,gown, robe 穿衣;bedeck 穿衣打扮
【考法1】vi. 趾高气扬地走:to walk with a pompous and affected air
【例】A pompousgeneral strutted off the parade ground. 盛气凌人的将军从阅兵场上趾高气扬的走过
【近】parade,prance, stalk, swagger
【考法2】n. 支柱,压杆:a structural element used to brace or strengthen a framework byresisting longitudinal compression
【近】brace,buttress, column, girder, support, underpinning
【考法1】n. 工作室,画室,摄影室:the working place of a painter, sculptor, or photographer
【例】moved to alarger studio 搬进了更大的工作室
【考法1】vt. 使无效,抑制:to deprive of vitality and render futile especially by enfeeblingor repressive influences
【例】Theaccident stultified his previous efforts. 这场意外使他过去的努力都白费了。
【近】constipate, stagnate, stifle, trammel
【反】encourage,foster, nourish 鼓励,培养
【派】stultifying adj. 抑制的
【考法1】n. 迟钝,麻痹,无知觉:a condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended sense orsensibility
【例】lapsedinto an alcoholic stupor 陷入了无知觉的酒醉状态
【近】coma,dullness, languor, lethargy, lassitude, listlessness, torpidity, torpor
【反】alertness,vigilance 警惕,警戒;vigor,vim, vitality, vivacity 活力,精力
【考法1】vt. 阻碍(成长):to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of
【例】Theinhospitable climate had stunted all vegetation. 不佳的气候条件抑制了所有植物的生长。
【近】check,curb, dwarf, suppress
【反】advance,boost, foster, nourish, nurture, promote 培养,促进
【考法1】adj. 强健的,结实的:marked by or reflectingphysical strength or vigor; substantially made or built
【例】sturdyyoung athletes 年轻有力的运动员‖Rememberto wear sturdy boots because we will be going over sharp rocks and uneventerrain. 别忘了穿一双靠谱的靴子,因为我们要在锋利的岩石和不平的地形上行走。
【近】durable,firm, robust, rugged, stalwart, stout, strong, sound, tough, vigorous
【反】delicate,feeble, frail, weak, wimpy 脆弱的;rickety, unsound, unstable, unsteady 不稳固的
【派】sturdinessn. 强健
adj. 不一致的,不和谐的