【考法 1】 adj. 极黑暗的: extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding
【例】 the stygian blackness of the cave 山洞里令人恐惧的黑暗
【近】 black, caliginous, dark, dim, gloomy, pitch-black
【反】 bright, brilliant, illuminated, illumined, light, lightsome, lucent, lucid, luminous 明亮的
【考法 1】 vt. 阻碍: to present an obstacle to
【例】 stymied by red tape 被冗长的政策条款所阻碍
【近】 encumber, fetter, handcuff, handicap, hinder, impede, inhibit, manacle, obstruct, shackle, trammel
【反】 aid, assist, facilitate, help 帮助,促进
【派】 stymieing adj. 阻碍的
【考法 1】 vt. 征服;使顺从: to conquer and bring into subjection; to bring under one's control by force of arms
【例】 subdued the native tribes after years of fighting 经过多年征战终于征服了当地的部落
【近】 conquer, defeat, squelch, subjugate, vanquish
【反】 capitulate, surrender 投降;lose 失败
【派】 subdued adj. 臣服的,柔和的
【考法 1】 n. 臣民,受支配的人: one that is placed under authority or control
【例】 Because of the tense situation in that country, British subjects were advised to return home as soon as possible. 因为该国紧张的局势,英国公民被建议尽快返回英国国内。
【近】 citizen, national
【反】 alien 外来人;potentate 统治者
【考法 2】 adj. 取决于其他因素的: contingent on or under the influence of some later action
【例】 The price of seafood is subject to weather conditions. 海鲜的价格受天气影响。
【近】 affected, conditional, contingent, dependent, reliant, subordinate
【反】 independent, unconditional 独立的
【考法 1】 vt. 征服,镇压: to bring under control and governance as a subject
【例】 I would rather die than be subjugated. 我宁死也不愿臣服。
【近】 conquer, dominate, overpower, pacify, quash, squelch, subdue, vanquish
【反】 capitulate, surrender 投降;lose 失败
【考法 2】 vt. 剥夺自由: to make subservient
【近】 enfetter, enslave, enthrall
【反】 discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, manumit, release, unfetter 解放,释放
【派】 subjugation n. 征服
【考法 1】 adj. 崇高的,庄严的: of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth
【例】 the sublime virtue of having given all one's worldly goods to the poor 将所有财产都捐给穷人的崇高美德
【近】 chivalrous, elevated, gallant, greathearted, lofty, magnanimous, noble
【反】 base, debased, degenerate, degraded, ignoble, low 可鄙的
【考法 2】 adj. (因为杰出、装光、美丽等而)令人惊叹的: tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
【例】 the sublime beauty of the canyon 峡谷令人惊叹的美丽
【近】 amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, wonderful
【反】 common, ordinary 平常的,普通的
【派】 sublimity n. 庄严,壮观
【考法 1】 adj. 下意识的,潜在意识的: below the threshold of conscious perception
【例】 subliminal advertising in movies 电影中的潜意识广告
【近】 concealed, hidden, subconscious
【反】 apparent, clear, evident, manifest, obvious, patent 明显的
【考法 1】 vt. 使淹没: to put under water
【例】 The river burst its banks, submerging an entire village. 河水冲上了堤岸,淹没了整个村庄。
【近】 dip, douse, drench, drown, immerse, inundate, sop, submerse
【反】 emerge 显现
【派】 submerged adj. 被淹没的
【考法 1】 adj. 服从的,顺从的,恭顺的: submitting to others
【例】 submissive employees 恭顺的员工‖It's not in her nature to be submissive. 服从不是她的本性。
【近】 amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obeisant, obsequious, servile, subservient, tractable
【反】 contumacious, defiant, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly 不顺从的
【派】 submission n. 服从,顺从
【考法 1】 adj. 下级的,次要的: belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank
【例】 His contention is that environment plays a subordinate role to heredity in determining what we become. 他的观点就是:在决定我们成长的因素——环境和遗传之中,前者处于更次要的地位。
【近】 inferior, junior, lower, minor, secondary, subject, tributary
【反】 greater, higher, major, primary, prime, senior, superior 更优等的,更高等的
【考法 2】 vt. 征服: to bring under one's control by force of arms
【例】 It is one of the lessons of history that more powerful civilizations often subordinate weaker ones. 强大的文明往往征服弱势的文明,这是历史的教训之一。
【近】 conquer, dominate, overpower, pacify, subdue, subject, subjugate, vanquish
【反】 capitulate, surrender 投降;lose 失败
adj. 次等的,较低的,不如的