【考法 1】 adj. 简明的,简洁的: characterized by clear, precise expression in few words
【例】 His speech is always succinct and perspicacious. 他的发言总是简洁而一针见血。
【近】 apothegmatic, brief, compact, compendious, concise, laconic, pithy, summary, telegraphic, terse
【反】 circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy, wordy 冗长的
【派】 succinctness n. 简洁,扼要
【考法 1】 vt. 救援,援助: to go to the aid of
【例】 We see it as our duty to succor anyone in need. 我们视帮助他人为自己的职责
【近】 aid, assist, help, relieve, support
【考法 1】 vt. 使窒息: to deprive of oxygen
【例】 The law requires the owner of a discarded refrigerator to remove its door so that a child won't get trapped inside and suffocate. 法律要求废弃冰箱的所有者移除箱门,从而防止儿童被困其中而窒息致死。
【近】 asphyxiate, choke, smother, stifle, strangle
【派】 suffocating adj. 令人窒息的,压抑的
【考法 1】 vt. (色彩等)弥漫,染遍,充满: to spread through or over, as with liquid, color, or light
【例】 a room suffused with warm sunlight 一个充满温暖阳光的房间
【近】 flush, fill, imbue, infuse, interpenetrate, percolate, pervade, transfuse
【派】 suffusing adj. 弥漫的
【考法 1】 vi. 生气,愠怒: to be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentment or protest
【例】 He would sulk for hours whenever he didn’t get what he want. 当他的愿望没被满足时,他会生几个小时的闷气
【近】 frown, grump, mope, pout
【反】 crow, delight, exuberate, jubilate, rejoice, triumph 感到高兴,雀跃
【派】 sulky adj. 生气的,不悦的
【考法 1】 adj. 闷闷不乐的: causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer
【例】 She remained sullen amid festivities alone. 她独自一人在喜庆的气氛中闷闷不乐。‖sullen skies that matched our mood on the day of the funeral 葬礼当天与我们很搭调的沉闷天气
【近】 bleak, cheerless, dark, depressing, dire, gloomy, glum, gray, lugubrious, morose, saturnine, sulky, surly
【反】 bright, cheerful, cheering, cordial, festive, gay 欢快的
【反】 lighthearted 高兴的
【考法 1】 n. 摘要: an abstract, abridgment, or compendium especially of a preceding discourse
【例】 Many book reports choose to begin with a summary of the book. 许多书评以该书的摘要开始。
【近】 abstract, brief, epitome, outline, recapitulation, synopsis, summarization
【反】 elaboration 详细解释
【考法 2】 adj. 就地的,立即的: done or executed on the spot and without formality
【例】 a summary trial and speedy execution 就地的判决和快速的处决
【近】 drumhead
【反】 prolonged, protracted 拖延的
【考法 1】 n. 顶点: the highest point
【例】 the summit of his ambition 他雄心壮志的顶点
【近】 acme, apex, climax, crescendo, crest, crown, culmination, meridian, peak, pinnacle, top, zenith
【反】 bottom, nadir 最低点
【考法 1】 vt. 召集,召唤: to call together
【例】 The general summoned all his troops before the operation. 行动之前,将军把所有的部队召集到了一起。
【近】 assemble, convene, convoke, muster, rally
【反】 dismiss 解散
【考法 2】 vt. 传唤(出庭、出席): to command by service of a summons, especially to appear in court
【例】 was summoned to answer charges 他被传唤出庭应对起诉
【近】 call, hail
【考法 1】 adj. 豪华的,奢侈的: extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent
【例】 The hotel claims to offer sumptuous furnishings and exquisitely prepared cuisine. 酒店宣称有奢华的装潢和精心准备的食物。
【近】 deluxe, lavish, lush, luxurious, opulent, palatial, resplendent, splendid, superb
【反】 ascetic, austere, humble, spartan 简朴的
adj. 富裕的,充足的