【考法 1】 n. 确信无疑: the state of being or feeling certain
【例】 I believes with certitude that he is the best candidate for the job. 我确信他是这项工作的最佳人选。
【近】 assurance, assuredness, certainty, confidence, conviction, doubtlessness, positiveness, sureness, surety
【反】 doubt, dubiety, incertitude, uncertainty 不确定
【考法 1】 n. 水渠: an open man-made passageway for water
【例】 Water was drained from the swamp through a specially constructed channel. 这块沼泽通过一条特殊建造的水渠源源不断地向外输水。
【近】 aqueduct, canal, conduit, course, flume, racecourse, raceway, watercourse, waterway
【考法 2】 n. 海峡: a narrow body of water between two land masses
【例】 the world record for swimming the channel between Alaska and Chukotskiy 横渡阿拉斯加和楚科奇之间海峡(也即白令海峡)的世界纪录
【近】 narrows, neck, sound, strait
【考法 3】 vt. 将…导向,投入: to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway
【例】 a youth who channeled all of his energy into sports 一个将毕生精力都投入体育之中的少年
【近】 canalize, channelize, conduct, direct, funnel, pipe, siphon
chivalrous .
【考法 1】 adj. 有骑士风度的,(尤指对女性)彬彬有礼的: marked by gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration(especially to women)
【例】 still engages in chivalrous behavior, such as opening doors for people 仍然坚持着有风度的行为,比如帮别人开门
【近】 big, elevated, gallant, great, greathearted, high, high-minded, lofty, lordly, magnanimous, natural, sublime
【反】 base, debased, degenerate, degraded, ignoble, ignominious, low 品行低劣的,可鄙的
【派】 chivalry n. 骑士风度
【考法 1】 n. 赞美诗: a hymn or psalm sung to a traditional or composed melody in church
【例】 practiced a chorale to perform in church 练习吟唱要在教堂表演的赞美诗
【近】 anthem, canticle, carol, hymn, paean, psalm, spiritual
【考法 2】 n. 合唱班,合唱团: an organized group of singers
【例】 a chorale that is regarded as being among the best in the state 一个被认为是国内一流的合唱班
【近】 choir, chorus, consort, ensemble
clamor .
【考法 1】 n. 喧闹,喧哗,噪声: loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound
【例】 A clamor arose from the crowd as the prisoner was brought forward. 当犯人被带上前台时,人群中爆发出一阵骚动。‖the clamor of a dozen people practicing the trumpet at once 一群人同时练习小号时发出的噪音
【近】 blare, bluster, cacophony, clangor, discordance, howl, racket, rattle, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation
【反】 quiet, silence, still, stillness 寂静;calm, lull, serenity, tranquility 宁静,祥和
【派】 clamorous adj. 喧闹的
【考法 1】 n. (有共同爱好的)团体,帮派: a group united by a common interest or common characteristics
【例】 That clan of football fans has parties every weekend on which the New England Patriots play. 只要是新英格兰爱国者队有比赛的周末,那帮球迷就会举行聚会。
【近】 body, bunch, circle, clique, community, coterie, coven, crowd, fold, network, pack, ring, set
【反】 clannish adj. 派系的;团结的
cleave .
【考法 1】 vi. 紧贴,坚持: to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly
【例】 You should resolutely cleave to the facts in your report. 你应该在报道中坚持客观的原则。
【近】 adhere, cling, hew, stick
【反】 defect 叛变
【考法 2】 vt. 分隔,割裂: to divide by or as if by a cutting blow
【例】 His spade cleaved the firm sand with a harsh crunch. 他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出尖锐刺耳的嘎扎声。
【近】 cut, decouple, disconnect, disjoin, dissever, dissociate, divide, part, ramify, sever, slice, split, sunder
【反】 join, link, unify, unite 连接,接合
【考法 1】 n. 粘结,粘合: a physical sticking to as if by glue
【例】 For certain types of materials that plastic wrap has very little cling. 对于某些材料,那种塑料保鲜袋的粘性不好。
【近】 adherence, bonding, cohesion
【考法 2】 vi. 紧贴,支持: to adhere as if glued firmly
【例】 a dozen magnets clinging to the refrigerator 贴靠在冰箱门上的磁石‖continued to cling to the old ideas of child rearing long after they had gone out of fashion 仍然坚持关于抚养孩子的老观念,尽管它们已经过时
【近】 adhere, cleave, hew, stick
【反】 defect 叛变
【考法 1】 adj. 有粘性的,有凝聚力的: exhibiting or producing cohesion or coherence
【例】 a cohesive social unit有凝聚力的社会个体‖cohesive soils 有粘性的土壤
【近】 adherent, adhesive, clingy, gluey, glutinous, gummy, tacky, tenacious, viscid
【反】 non-adhesive, non-viscous 无粘性的
【派】 cohesion n. 粘结;凝聚力
【考法 1】 vi. 合作: to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
【例】 The two men collaborated on a blockbuster in 1986 which gained both of them fame. 两人在 1986 年合作出演了一部十分卖座的电影,由此获得了巨大的名声。
【近】 band, concert, cooperate, concur, conjoin, conspire, join, league, unite
【反】 stonewall 拒绝合作
【派】 collaboration n. 合作,协作
vt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的