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新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List31:Unit7

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
surmount .
【考法 1】 vt. 战胜,获得胜利: to achieve a victory over
【例】 an Olympic swimmer who surmounted endless obstacles to achieve her goals 一个克服重重困难最终实现目标的奥运游泳运动员
【近】 conquer, defeat, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail, subdue, triumph, win
【反】 lose 失败
surrogate .
【考法 1】 n. 替代品: one that takes the place of another
【例】 For some people, Google Earth is never a justified surrogate for actual travel. 对于一部分人而言,谷歌地球决不是旅行的合理替代品。
【近】 backup, cover, fill-in, relief, replacement, reserve, stand-in, substitute
tame .
【考法 1】 adj. 被驯化的: reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans
【例】 Every evening, a wild Canada goose is at the food trough with our tame geese. 每天傍晚的食槽边总会出现一只野生加拿大鹅和我们的饲养家鹅一起进食。
【近】 domestic, domesticated, tamed
【反】 feral, savage, undomesticated, untamed, wild 野生的
【考法 2】 adj. 无聊的,乏味的: lacking spirit, zest, interest, or the capacity to excite
【例】 That action movie was so tame I fell asleep about 20 minutes into it. 那部动作片实在是太无聊了,我刚开场二十分钟就睡着了。
【近】 arid, drab, dreary, drudging, humdrum, insipid, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, pedestrian, ponderous, stale, stodgy, tedious, tiresome, wearisome
【反】 absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting 令人感兴趣的
【考法 3】 vt. 控制,抑制: to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)
【例】 Try to tame your language when you are in front of the kids. 在孩子面前注意一下你的措辞。
【近】 bridle, check, constrain, contain, curb, govern, hold, inhibit, keep, measure, regulate, rein, restrain, rule
【反】 unleash 宣泄(感情等)
tangle .
【考法 1】 n. 困惑,不解: a state of perplexity or complete bewilderment
【例】 My mind has been in a tangle ever since I learned some information about an old, deceased acquaintance. 自从我获知一些关于已故的老熟人的消息之后我就陷入了困惑之中。
【近】 bafflement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, confusedness, distraction, muddle, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl
【反】 assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, sureness 确信
【考法 2】 vt. 纠缠,使…纠结: to seize and hold in or as if in a snare
【例】 was at last tangled in the web of lies that he had told to everyone 最终被自己所编织的谎言缠住了
【近】 enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entrap, mesh, net, snare, trap
【反】 disentangle 解开
teeming .
【考法 1】 adj. 大量的: possessing or covered with great numbers or amounts of something specified
【例】 oceans teeming with life 孕育着无穷生命的海洋
【近】 abundant, ample, awash, cornucopian, flush, fraught, lousy, replete, swarming, thick, thronging
【反】 bare, barren, blank, devoid, empty, stark, vacant, void 贫瘠的,空无一物的
temporal .
【考法 1】 adj. 世俗的,尘世的: of or relating to earthly life
【例】 The master told his disciples not to worry about temporal concerns, but instead focus on spiritual matters. 大师要弟子们不要为尘世间的纷争而苦恼,而是将精神集中于灵魂上的思考。
【近】 carnal, earthborn, earthbound, fleshly, material, mundane, secular, sublunary, terrene, terrestrial, worldly
【反】 heavenly, unearthly, unworldly 非尘世间的;spiritual 精神上的;religious 宗教的
tentative .
【考法 1】 adj. 暂时性的,尝试的: not fully worked out or developed
【例】 Our plans are only tentative at this point and will depend on whether you can come. 我们的计划只是暂时性的,具体还要看你能否前来。
【近】 ad interim, impermanent, interim, provisional, provisionary, provisory, short-term, temporary, trial
【反】 final 最终的;ceaseless, endless, eternal, immortal, permanent, perpetual, undying 永久性的
tyrant .
【考法 1】 n. 暴君: a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally
【例】 The people universally feared the tyrant, who was notorious for his frequent use of torture. 人们非常恐惧这个暴君,因为他有着经常折磨犯人的臭名。
【近】 dictator, oppressor, pharaoh, strongman
【派】 tyranny n. 暴政,苛政
unanimous .
【考法 1】 adj. 一致同意的: having the agreement and consent of all
【例】 a unanimous vote to upgrade the school's computer facilities 一致同意对学校的计算机设备进行升级
【近】 consentaneous, uncontested
【派】 unanimity n. 一致同意
unremitting .
【考法 1】 adj. 连续不断的: going on and on without any interruptions
【例】 Unremitting rain lasted for six days. 连续下了六天的雨。
【近】 ceaseless, continual, continuing, incessant, nonstop, perpetual, unbroken, uninterrupted
【反】 discontinuous, intermittent 不连续的,有间断的
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tentative ['tentətiv]


adj. 试验性质的,暂时的,犹豫不决的

awash [ə'wɔʃ]


adj. 被浪冲打的;与水面齐平的

tangled ['tæŋɡld]


adj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的;复杂的

tame [teim]


adj. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的
vt. 驯养

flush [flʌʃ]


v. 奔流,发红,冲洗,迅速流过
n. 脸红,

unleash ['ʌn'li:ʃ]


v. 解开 ... 的皮带,解除 ... 的束缚,解放

frequent ['fri:kwənt]


adj. 经常的,频繁的
vt. 常到,常去

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

permanent ['pə:mənənt]


adj. 永久的,持久的
n. 烫发





