'I told you, Louisa, that she would certainly be found,' said Mr Dombey, looking slightly over his shoulder at that lady, who wept in company with Miss Tox.
'Let the servants know that no further steps are necessary. This boy who brings the information, is young Gay, from the office. How was my daughter found, Sir? I know how she was lost.' Here he looked majestically at Richards. 'But how was she found? Who found her?'
'Why, I believe I found Miss Dombey, Sir,' said Walter modestly, 'at least I don't know that I can claim the merit of having exactly found her, Sir, but I was the fortunate instrument of - '
'What do you mean, Sir,' interrupted Mr Dombey, regarding the boy's evident pride and pleasure in his share of the transaction with an instinctive dislike, 'by not having exactly found my daughter, and by being a fortunate instrument? Be plain and coherent, if you please.'
It was quite out of Walter's power to be coherent; but he rendered himself as explanatory as he could, in his breathless state, and stated why he had come alone.
沃尔特无法说得有条理,但他在没有缓过气 来的状态下,尽量把话说得使人明白易懂,于是他叙述了他为什么一个人到这里来的经过。
'You hear this, girl?' said Mr Dombey sternly to the black-eyed. 'Take what is necessary, and return immediately with this young man to fetch Miss Florence home. Gay, you will be rewarded to-morrow.
“你 听见了没有,女孩子?”董贝先生严厉地对黑眼睛说道,“带上必需的东西,立刻跟这位年轻人去把弗洛伦斯小姐接回家。盖伊,明天早上我会奖赏您。”
'Oh! thank you, Sir,' said Walter. 'You are very kind. I'm sure I was not thinking of any reward, Sir.'
'You are a boy,' said Mr Dombey, suddenly and almost fiercely; 'and what you think of, or affect to think of, is of little consequence. You have done well, Sir. Don't undo it. Louisa, please to give the lad some wine.'
Mr Dombey's glance followed Walter Gay with sharp disfavour, as he left the room under the pilotage of Mrs Chick; and it may be that his mind's eye followed him with no greater relish, as he rode back to his Uncle's with Miss Susan Nipper.
There they found that Florence, much refreshed by sleep, had dined, and greatly improved the acquaintance of Solomon Gills, with whom she was on terms of perfect confidence and ease. The black-eyed (who had cried so much that she might now be called the red-eyed, and who was very silent and depressed) caught her in her arms without a word of contradiction or reproach, and made a very hysterical meeting of it. Then converting the parlour, for the nonce, into a private tiring room, she dressed her, with great care, in proper clothes; and presently led her forth, as like a Dombey as her natural disqualifications admitted of her being made.
'Good-night!' said Florence, running up to Solomon. 'You have been very good to me.
Old Sol was quite delighted, and kissed her like her grand-father.
'Good-night, Walter! Good-bye!' said Florence.
'Good-bye!' said Walter, giving both his hands.
注释:1. instrument n. 仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械
measuring instrument [化]测量仪表
musical instrument 乐器
test instrument 试验仪器;测量设备
testing instrument 试验仪器
precision instrument [计][经]精密仪器
intelligent instrument 智能仪器
instrument panel 仪表板;仪表操纵板
instrument system 仪表系统
percussion instrument 打击乐器
instrument analysis 仪器分析
experimental instrument 实验仪器
(1). Using tax policy is a very blunt instrument.
(2). He can play nearly every musical instrument .
(3). The King signed the instrument of abdication.
(4). The compass is an instrument of navigation.
(5). The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.
2. run up v. 匆匆制成;积欠;迅速积累;向上跑;高涨
(1). Run up to N commands in parallel.
(2). The infection has run up his fever.
(3). She had never run up the stairs so quickly.
(4). Mr Stone has run up small victories in the past year.