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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
'Their name is Legion,' she replied, uprearing her proud form as if she would have crushed him; 'you and your master have raised them in a fruitful house, and they shall tear you both. False to him, false to his innocent child, false every way and everywhere, go forth and boast of me, and gnash your teeth, for once, to know that you are lying!'“他们人数很多,”她回答道,一边高傲地挺直身子,仿佛她想要把他压碎似的,”你和你的主人把他们在适宜繁殖的房屋里养育起来;他们将把你们撕得粉碎!你对他虚伪;你对他的天真的孩子虚伪;你用各种手段在各个地方进行虚伪的勾当;现在你向前走吧,去吹嘘你对我的胜利吧,然后咬牙切齿地知道你是在撒谎吧!”
He stood before her, muttering and menacing, and scowling round as if for something that would help him to conquer her; but with the same indomitable spirit she opposed him, without faltering.他站在她面前,抱怨着,威胁着,并愁眉苦脸地环视着四周,仿佛在寻找什么可以帮助他战胜她的东西似的;但是她跟先前一样坚强不屈地面对着他,毫不畏缩。
'In every vaunt you make,' she said, 'I have my triumph I single out in you the meanest man I know, the parasite and tool of the proud tyrant, that his wound may go the deeper, and may rankle more. Boast, and revenge me on him! You know how you came here to-night; you know how you stand cowering there; you see yourself in colours quite as despicable, if not as odious, as those in which I see you. Boast then, and revenge me on yourself.'“在你所夸耀的每一个地方,我都取得了胜利;”她说道,”我把你当作我所知道的最卑鄙的人,当作那位高傲的暴君的寄生虫与工具挑选出来,这是为了使他的创伤可以更深些,更痛些;你去吹嘘吧,为我对他进行报复吧。你知道,你今天夜里是怎样到这里来的;你知道,你是怎样畏畏缩缩地站在那里的;如果你不能像我那样看到你自己那令人厌恶的真面目的话,那么你总能像我那样看到你自己那卑鄙的真面目了。
The foam was on his lips; the wet stood on his forehead. If she would have faltered once for only one half-moment, he would have pinioned her; but she was as firm as rock, and her searching eyes never left him.你去吹嘘吧,并为你自己对我进行报复吧。”他的嘴里吐出白沫,额上流出汗珠。如果她曾经畏缩过哪怕一刹那的话,那么他就会捆住她的两只手;可是她像岩石一样坚定,她的锐利的眼光从没有离开过他。
'We don't part so,' he said. 'Do you think I am drivelling, to let you go in your mad temper?'“我们不能这样分离,”他说道,”难道你以为我这样愚蠢,会让你这样疯疯癫癫地走掉吗?”
'Do you think,' she answered, 'that I am to be stayed?'“难道你以为,你能留得住我吗?”
'I'll try, my dear,' he said with a ferocious gesture of his head.“我要试一试,我亲爱的,”他的头凶猛地作了一个威胁的姿态。
'God's mercy on you, if you try by coming near me!' she replied.“愿上帝怜悯你,如果你要试试走近我的话。”
'And what,' he said, 'if there are none of these same boasts and vaunts on my part? What if I were to turn too? Come!' and his teeth fairly shone again. 'We must make a treaty of this, or I may take some unexpected course. Sit down, sit down!'“如果我以后不吹嘘、夸耀,那么怎么样呢?”他说道,”如果我已转变了,那么怎么样呢?”他的牙齿又闪出亮光。“我们必须在这个问题上达成一项协议,否则我就会采取你所意想不到的步骤。坐下,坐下!”
'Too late!' she cried, with eyes that seemed to sparkle fire. 'I have thrown my fame and good name to the winds! I have resolved to bear the shame that will attach to me - resolved to know that it attaches falsely - that you know it too - and that he does not, never can, and never shall. I'll die, and make no sign. For this, I am here alone with you, at the dead of night. For this, I have met you here, in a false name, as your wife. For this, I have been seen here by those men, and left here. Nothing can save you now.“太晚了!”她喊道,眼睛似乎要冒出火星来了。”我已经把我的声望与名誉抛到九霄云外去了!我已决定忍受将落到我头上的耻辱;我知道它是我所不应当得到的--你也知道这一点,而他是不知道的,永远不能知道,也将永远不会知道的。我将无声无息、不作任何表白地死去!为了这个目的我在深更半夜单独跟你在一起。为了这个目的我以你的妻子这个虚假的名义在这里跟你会见。为了这个目的,我听凭这些仆人在这里看到我,然后把我在这里独自留下来。现在什么也不能救你了。”
He would have sold his soul to root her, in her beauty, to the floor, and make her arms drop at her sides, and have her at his mercy. But he could not look at her, and not be afraid of her. He saw a strength within her that was resistless. He saw that she was desperate, and that her unquenchable hatred of him would stop at nothing. His eyes followed the hand that was put with such rugged uncongenial purpose into her white bosom, and he thought that if it struck at hIm, and failed, it would strike there, just as soon.如果他能把姿容美丽的她扎根在地板上,使她的胳膊垂落在身体两侧,使她完全听凭他摆布的话,那么他真愿意把他的灵魂出卖掉。可是他看到她的时候不能不害怕她。他看到在她身上有一股不可抗拒的力量。他看到她是不顾一切的,她对他的不能熄灭的憎恨不会在什么地方停住。他的眼光跟随着她,看到她怀着粗暴无情、毫不迁就的决心,把手伸进衣服,放在雪白的胸脯上;他想,如果她的手来打他、没打中的话,那么它就会很快接下去打她自己的胸脯的。
He did not venture, therefore, to advance towards her; but the door by which he had entered was behind him, and he stepped back to lock it.因此,他不敢走近她;但是他走进来的门是在他的身后,所以他就走回去把门锁上。
'Lastly, take my warning! Look to yourself!' she said, and smiled again. 'You have been betrayed, as all betrayers are. It has been made known that you are in this place, or were to be, or have been. If I live, I saw my husband in a carriage in the street to-night!'“最后,请听一下我的警告!你自己得当心点!”她又微笑着说道,”就像所有背信弃义的人一样,你已经被人出卖了。他已经知道,你现在在这里,或者将要到这里来,或者一直在这里。今天夜里我确实看见我的丈夫在街上乘坐在一辆四轮马车里!”
'Strumpet, it's false!' cried Carker.“婊子,你撒谎!”卡克喊道。
'Their name is Legion,' she replied, uprearing her proud form as if she would have crushed him; 'you and your master have raised them in a fruitful house, and they shall tear you both. False to him, false to his innocent child, false every way and everywhere, go forth and boast of me, and gnash your teeth, for once, to know that you are lying!'
He stood before her, muttering and menacing, and scowling round as if for something that would help him to conquer her; but with the same indomitable spirit she opposed him, without faltering.
'In every vaunt you make,' she said, 'I have my triumph I single out in you the meanest man I know, the parasite and tool of the proud tyrant, that his wound may go the deeper, and may rankle more. Boast, and revenge me on him! You know how you came here to-night; you know how you stand cowering there; you see yourself in colours quite as despicable, if not as odious, as those in which I see you. Boast then, and revenge me on yourself.'
The foam was on his lips; the wet stood on his forehead. If she would have faltered once for only one half-moment, he would have pinioned her; but she was as firm as rock, and her searching eyes never left him.
'We don't part so,' he said. 'Do you think I am drivelling, to let you go in your mad temper?'
'Do you think,' she answered, 'that I am to be stayed?'
'I'll try, my dear,' he said with a ferocious gesture of his head.
'God's mercy on you, if you try by coming near me!' she replied.
'And what,' he said, 'if there are none of these same boasts and vaunts on my part? What if I were to turn too? Come!' and his teeth fairly shone again. 'We must make a treaty of this, or I may take some unexpected course. Sit down, sit down!'
'Too late!' she cried, with eyes that seemed to sparkle fire. 'I have thrown my fame and good name to the winds! I have resolved to bear the shame that will attach to me - resolved to know that it attaches falsely - that you know it too - and that he does not, never can, and never shall. I'll die, and make no sign. For this, I am here alone with you, at the dead of night. For this, I have met you here, in a false name, as your wife. For this, I have been seen here by those men, and left here. Nothing can save you now.
He would have sold his soul to root her, in her beauty, to the floor, and make her arms drop at her sides, and have her at his mercy. But he could not look at her, and not be afraid of her. He saw a strength within her that was resistless. He saw that she was desperate, and that her unquenchable hatred of him would stop at nothing. His eyes followed the hand that was put with such rugged uncongenial purpose into her white bosom, and he thought that if it struck at hIm, and failed, it would strike there, just as soon.
He did not venture, therefore, to advance towards her; but the door by which he had entered was behind him, and he stepped back to lock it.
'Lastly, take my warning! Look to yourself!' she said, and smiled again. 'You have been betrayed, as all betrayers are. It has been made known that you are in this place, or were to be, or have been. If I live, I saw my husband in a carriage in the street to-night!'
'Strumpet, it's false!' cried Carker.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
hatred ['heitrid]


n. 憎恶,憎恨,怨恨

opposed [ə'pəuzd]


adj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗

revenge [ri'vendʒ]


n. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会

boast [bəust]


v. 吹牛,自夸,说大话
n. 自吹自擂,自夸

unexpected ['ʌnik'spektid]


adj. 想不到的,意外的

odious ['əudiəs]


adj. 可憎的,讨厌的

temper ['tempə]


n. 脾气,性情
vt. 使缓和,调和 <

attach [ə'tætʃ]


v. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋

fruitful ['fru:tfəl]


adj. 多产的,富有成效的

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠





