Tesla Motors said it was reconsidering its use of gag clauses designed to stop owners talking about faults it has fixed in their cars, after a US safety regulator called the practice “troublesome”.
特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)表示,正在重新审视其使用保密条款让车主不再谈论已修复汽车缺陷的做法,此前美国安全监管机构认为这种做法“令人不安”。
The concession came as the electric carmaker fought to stem concerns about possibly faulty suspensions in its cars, after reports of breakages on several vehicles. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration said on Thursday that it was examining “the potential suspension issue” and that it was seeking more information from owners and the company.
Requiring customers to sign non-disclosure agreements when the company pays for repairs could prevent them reporting safety problems to regulators and put other customers at risk, said Carl Tobias, a professor at the University of Richmond School of Law. It “is against public policy and might even be illegal,” he said. “They’re saying it wasn’t the intent — but it’s the effect that matters.”
里士满大学法学院(University of Richmond School of Law)的教授卡尔•托拜厄斯(Carl Tobias)表示,特斯拉在承担维修费用时要求客户签署保密协议,这可能阻止客户向监管机构报告安全问题,从而让其他客户承受风险。这“与公共政策相悖,甚至可能是非法的,”他说,“他们说这并非本意,但重要的是效果”。
In a characteristically robust defence of its cars and its dealings with regulators, Tesla painted a different picture to the one from the NHTSA. In a blog post late on Thursday evening, it said that it had been told by the agency that it had already “co-operated fully and that no further information is needed”.
Also, despite the NHTSA examination, the company stated: “There is no safety defect with the suspensions in either the Model S or Model X.” Ownership of all of its own service centres meant that it had been able to examine all parts that had been replaced on its cars, leading to “high confidence in our suspensions”, it said.
此外,尽管美国国家公路交通安全管理局已经展开调查,但特斯拉表示:“无论是Model S还是Model X车型,悬挂系统都不存在安全缺陷。”该公司表示,拥有旗下所有服务中心意味着,它能够检查所有更换的部件,因此对“我们的悬挂部件很有信心”。
On Friday, the NHTSA said Tesla had “clarified the language of its Goodwill Agreements in a satisfactory way, resolving the issue”. It also said it had “not identified any safety issue with Tesla’s suspensions”, but was still conducting its review.